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Guest Poet

allotment hunt!

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I was telling Kate that we're trying to find an allotment and have signed up to the council waiting list and been told it can take up to 2 years! We also tried a private allotment company but they didn't have anything available either. So, we thought we'd go and have a look around the local allotments, see how many were overgrown/disused, take a photo and send it to the council asking them very nicely if they could contact the tenant and ask them if we could have it :D Went to the first lot of local allotments today and found one, complete with shopping trolley! :lol: Had a chat with one of the other guys on his allotment and he told us it hadn't been touched for 2 years.


Here's the pics, wish us luck! ;) If it's a no, we'll keep trying!





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Good idea Poet! Most allotment associations keep on top of people who take on these things but then don't use them, but if that one hasn't been touched for 2 years you may be in luck! (it might mean their waitinglist is out of date as well 8) )


We are second on the waiting list for an allotment in our village, but considering the allotments haven't even been officially opened yet I'm not holding my breath :roll:

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Anyone want to take over my allotment. I'm giving it up this year as I lost everything I was growing last year.


Ours are run by a separate company for the council. They announced last year that there would be an annual increase of 5% per year in rates. But crafty devils have this year moved the charging period to just 9 months, 12 month charge for 9 months at the increased rate, and they've announced that they'll apply the 5% increase at the end of 9 months. It's one heck of a rate rise this year!!


It wasn't helped that it was just too far from home, I had to drive there and they aren't secure. We get priority living where I do for the allotments 4 miles away as there aren't any in our village/town.




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sorry Andrew, just a bit further than we wanted to travel :D


Emma, I've always been of the opinion that if you don't ask you could miss an opportunity. It depends how you go about the asking though, so as not to come across as cheeky, so I've left the e mail to DH to compose! ;)


Don't want to put anyone's nose out of joint but if these people have just left their plot for 2 years without doing any work on it, I think it's fair game.


chickenlass, it's about 4 miles give or take so not too far.

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I think you need to find out who your allotment officer is and keep in touch with him!


I got mine after justa few months because our chap is keen to get plots filled. But mine was very overgrown and had been unused for over three years! There is now 90 on the waiting list, sooooooo it annoys me when I see plots still overgrown and unused! There has just been a purge as the rents were due so hopefully I will se a few more eager new tenants!


Don't give up - it's very addictive !! A bit like chickens from what I hear!




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thanks Louise, I think it's the allotment officer my husband has been speaking to but if not, we'll try and find out who he/she is.


We sent this lady an e mail tonight so I'll let you know what happens.

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Good Luck poet, i was on the list for nine months for an allotment in my village and was lucky as the one I got wasn't overgrown and had been looked after so busy digging and planting now, really enjoying it too - hope you hear something soon :)

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Good luck Poet - my Dad always says if you don't ask, you won't get!


I would love to have an allotment but realistically it is just too much with my commute to London (leave the house at 6.55am get back 7.30/8pm) and looking after the chooks. I don't know how all you lot with children too manage! I'll just have to stick to my pots on the patio until I make my fortune and can stay at home all day!


Hope the wait isn't too long

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There were a couple of people who came around the allotment site that we are on with a notepad and camera doing exactly what you have done. I think it is a good idea and keeps everyone on their toes.


When we first got our allotment there were quite a few overgrown plots and no waiting list whereas now most are well tended. The age of the plot holders has come down considerably, we were the youngest by a long way when we first came about 8 years ago but now we are starting to feel a bit old :lol:


That looks like a good sized plot and cootch (sp?) grass can be lifted of the surface in clumps if the ground is not too dry, hard work but not as bad as it looks. Cheshire is obviously a good place for rhubarb :D

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Good luck


The waiting lists for allotments seem to be ridiculously long everywhere at the moment. The council is supposed to provide additional allotments if demand is high enough but I don't know how high that has to be.. our local allotments currently have a 4 year waiting list :shock:

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Have just got an plot on my local site...its a long trek of 50 yds to the entrance. In fact it takes longer to walk from the gate to the plot than from my house to the gate :D


Its also free for the first year as its been left fallow for 2 years and is costing me £2.25 to join :D:D


No couch grass and a only few dandelions (foot and a half tap roots :shock: ) just a covering of grass.


Managed to dig about 8' of the 5 pole plot weekend before last


Then had to drag myself to Milan to watch Liverpool so nothing done since then 8)

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Good luck with that Poet - although it does look in a state I'm your DH will have it shipshape in no time.


We used up our 4 raised beds to accommodate the chooks and I really miss that patch of garden (although I would never give the girls up!)


The waiting list in our village for allotments is mega loon too!

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How frustrating for you Poet to see a good plot going to waste :wall: I hope your initiative pays off and you are soon the proud owner of an allotment :D


I've taken the easy option :oops: I've done a deal with a couple of allotment holders to swap eggs for veg :dance:


Now all I need is for my girls to start laying :pray:

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Good luck Poet.


If you do get it, it looks like you have a fine crop of rhubarb already! :shock:


That old carpet will be good for clearing an area of weeds too!


I was going to comment on the rhubarb too, Christian! :lol:


I have had an allotment for 2 years, Poet. Ours was in a neglected state too - covered in weeds and brambles. It's great exercise, as well as providing lots of lovely organic home-grown veg! Good luck with your search. Your plan to pursue neglected plots is a good one. Unfortunately, if the current tenant has paid this year's rent it may be more difficult. But it is definitely worth a try. The plot next to mine hadn't been worked for over a year, so I asked to be considered for that too. The Allotment Secretary has now told me that the tenant hasn't replied to requests for payment, so it is mine! :D Lots of lovely digging is the order of the day for me!!!


Just one thing about the carpet - most allotment societies no longer allow it due to chemicals leaching into the soil.


Good luck!

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