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Guest Poet

update on dad- up and down

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hello peeps and thanks again for your lovely messages :D


Dad seemed really as if he'd turned a corner over the weekend, was much more alert than he has been and. Then on Mon and Tues he was back to being fidgety and we couldn't wake him up for more than a cple of seconds and then he was zonked out again.


We asked if they had him on any drugs and we were told he wasn't on anything so we were really worried that he wasn't coming out of his haze.


Then, on tues we saw the consultant's 2nd in commenad (sorry, don't know his official title!?) and he said dad had been on sleeping tablets for those 2 days!!!!!!!!!!! ICU has no windows and patients don't know if it's day or night and their body clocks is all over the place so they're trying to get him into a proper sleeping pattern again now that he's in HDU (next to a window).


So, there's us worrying ourselves sick and they'd been giving him "sleeping tablets" all along.


Anyway, we found out today they weren't just sleeping tablets, they were Temazepam! No wonder he wouldn't wake up!


I know they're doing their best to save his life and I don't mean to sound ungrateful but it's very upsetting and frustrating, all this lack of info :roll:


He's pulled his feeding tube out again so they'll put that back tomorrow and he still has trachea thingy in so can't talk, swallow or eat. All we can do now is see what tomorrow brings :?

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Same as Helly Welly here, I wish you'd had some good news to bring, but at the same time it's nice to know there is no bad news... keep taking care of yourself, and I hope the whole family keeps patient and strong...


Nice to hear from you, even if it's not for the best of news...

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I hope things perk up soon, Poet. Unfortunately, when someone is poorly enough to be in ICU/HDU there are likely to be good days and bad days. Your Dad is hanging on in there, which is at least one positive thing to hold on to.


I agree that they could have mentioned the Temazepam sooner, to stop you worrying so much, unnecessarily. *hugs*

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mrning everyone, thanks for the kind messages.


dad was more alert last night. he's pulled his trachea tube out this time though :roll: they were dithering about taking it out anyway so they've covered over the hole and see how he goes. They kept going on about a 'Swedish Nose' which had me scratching my head. Apparently it's a little plastic thingy majig they put into the trachea hole to keep infection out (like a plug) I think that's what it is anyway!? They said dad was coughing so hard (which is a good sign) that it kept flying out so they've put a large dressing over the hole instead. I shouldn't laugh but the thought of the little plastic thing flying out made me laugh :lol:


he managed to eat a little bit of soup last night too.


we spoke to the consultant last night and he understands my concerns but reassured us totally. We had a long chat and he thinks dad should be out in a cple of weeks and able to come home rather than to a nursing home.


so, hopefully he's still making good progress today :pray:



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:D:D:D Best news yet :D:D:D The plug had me laughing too...was he aiming it anyone in particular :?: Jackiexxx


there's a lovely, sweet old lady in the bed opposite him, I just hope it didn't hit her! :lol:

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Oh Poet...that is better news :D:D

I'm so glad that you haven't lost your sense of humour and are still able to see comical things in the serious situation. . I shall keep tittering to myseld now at the thought of the tube flying out and giving a black eye to someone. Sending a hug as always. x

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oh V, you have such a kind heart!


He's now in what they call the rehabilitation ward. He needs intensive physio now. They're going to try and get him out of bed tomorrow with a hoist and sit him in a chair but he's so weak from all these weeks in bed. He's on a diet of puree food and some stuff that makes his water like wallpaper paste. He has a delayed swallowing action so can't eat or drink properly yet. They're still not sure if he's had a slight stroke (due to the withdrawal of his warfarin) and they think he has another infection which is making him a bit delirious still but they don't know where the infection is, so they're doing tests.


He's lost a lot of weight and without his teeth in, his poor face looks so sunken and he can't talk properly without his teeth but his teeth won't fit because he's loast so much weight.


Now he's on a different ward he's under a different consuktant who thinks we're in for the long haul whereas his last consultant said he'd be out in a cple of weeks :roll:


Easier just to take it day by day.


I'll update if there's any significant change and thank you so much for thinking of us, I'm thinking of you too xxxxxxxxxxx

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