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Guest revnev

Air Raid!!!

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Mrs Miggins and Miss Marple found their way down the bottom of the garden the other day - where they are not supposed to go - and discovered the old Air raid shelter - very proud of themselves...


here they are wondering how to get back down:




and here's Miss Marple (ex batt) camouflaged in the undergrowth:






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Love the pictures :D can't wait till mine go in the garden so i can get my dig slr out lol not the same crouched in the run with my mobile or trying to take pics through mesh lol


I showed hubby your pics and hes still :eh: and :roll: not quite warmed to our chickens yet lol

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GREAT pictures :P I love seeing chickens foraging around (where they shouldn't) Mine like to sit up on an old well which we have (fortunatly its blocked off) It is very exciting when you let them out for the first time . Although a bit nerve racking :anxious: For the first day I followed mine around to make sure they were ok. They looked at me as if I was mad (probably am)

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been practicing your soft focus? ;)


smashing pics! what sort of camera have you got?


it's a Canon Powershot S2 IS - not top of the range by any means - but as good as we need it to be....



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Can you take some pics of the shelter ? I love historical stuff like that.


ok.. I'll give it go! actually I use it to store old wood. it is dry cos I repaired it - repointed it and levelled the floor - so the kids could use it as a den - but they never did... wonder why!! (has no powerpoints for the computer!!)


I'll take some pics when the weather improves!



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