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Guest Penguinmad

Interview TODAY! - UPDATE - I didn't get it!

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Well I've written an interesting lesson (on spreadsheet modelling - dullest subject known to year 8!). A presentation on developments in ICT over the next three years - which I slanted to ICT in their school. I've printed all my handouts, got copies of everything on my memory stick, uploaded them all to my website in case the memory stick fails, emailed them to myself in case the web server crashes......


I just need to make myself look presentable and get there on time now (daft time for interview is 8.30 which means THE WORST of the school traffic - I usually get into school before 8 to avoid all that).


I know there is at least one other candidate who has slightly less experience than me - someone told me at a party the other night her friend was going to be there. Glad its not just me really, will look less obvious when I don't eat lunch (if offered).


OH well - I should know this afternoon.

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