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A & E visit last night - I did a stupid thing

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I felt really stupid last night. We had been into Norwich during the day and for dinner we fancied a sort of afternoon tea. When we got home I made a quiche, we put some eggs on to boil and the intention was to make some sandwiches, cakes, etc. and pick at them during the evening.


During the whole sandwich making episode, I dropped the tin of tuna but instead of letting it drop, my reflexes took over and I tried to catch it. This is the stupid bit. The tin went straight into my fnger and the blood was everywhere. I don't cope with blood at the best of times but I was in a right state. Hubby drove me to A&e and they were really lovely. They patched up my finger and the nurse and I got talking about chickens. Turns out that she keeps hens too. I told her about the forum and she says that she will join and to look out for POLLY.


Worst thing is that I don't make a good patient and hubby won't let me do anything.

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Oh heck Janty!


I once sliced my finger with the blade of my Magimix, passed out and hit my head on the table and spent 4 hours in A&E.


I can cope with anyone's blood except my own.


Good for your hubby.......I wish Him Indoors was more like that.


Make the most of your rest and I hope your injury is not too painful.


Will look out for Polly.



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Sorry to hear about your accident.


Make the most of the pampering men normally make the worst patients and become completely helpless so it's only fair that us girls get some TLC when we're poorly.


Washing up and peeling veg are likely to get your plaster wet :angel: so maybe you can get dinner cooked for you and the clearing up done too... It'll give you more time for chicken watching and chatting on the forum :wink:

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OOh I hope it is not too sore, make the most of the looking after :D


My hubby did himself a nasty injury last year the night before my birthday. He had been wrapping my presents on the bedroom floor and when he stood up he put his hand on the built in wardrobe door k"Ooops, word censored!" which was a ceramic one and it sheared off in his hand leaving him with a deep but clean cut. Fortunately it did not damage any tendons but he was annoyed because we were going to a hotel a couple of days later and they have a lovely spa and pool so he thought that he wouldn't be able to swim but we managed to find him some waterproof dressings so all was well.


Needless to say both built in wardrobesin this house now have wooden k"Ooops, word censored!"s :roll:

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I hope it heals quickly, it sounds quite nasty. Your OH sounds wonderful.


I've only had one major injury requiring a trip to A&E........damaged my right shoulder in a horse riding accident. No sympathy from anyone :roll: My doctor pointed out that I was left handed and therefore didn't need to be signed off! :shock:

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I hope it heals quickly, it sounds quite nasty. Your OH sounds wonderful.


I've only had one major injury requiring a trip to A&E........damaged my right shoulder in a horse riding accident. No sympathy from anyone :roll: My doctor pointed out that I was left handed and therefore didn't need to be signed off! :shock:


That's a bit mean.



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My old doctor was an ex-army type - thought everyone was trying to skive off. You walked into the surgery and he would say 'what have you done this time?' or 'whats wrong with you then?' I think he must have skipped the customer care seminar!


I wouldn't have minded but I had done some pretty serious damage to my shoulder that took 6 months physio to sort out.

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