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Teenage daughters...

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My 13 year old daughter has kindly & consideratly used up all of our pre paid minutes on dial up for this month .......in 2 weeks :evil:


Consequently I will not be around too much for the next week or so :?

We have pay-per-minute,but are trying to leave it for emergencies only (like this post :wink: )


Kids - who would have 'em?

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Not yet.. they are 8, 7 and 3. But the 8 year old is getting lots of attitude and wobbles her head at me like a Destiny's Child - I am scared already!


So I think I'll keep them small.

:lol::lol: They're all lovely, Heather, whatever age they are.

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I fully intend to lock my three in the cupboard on their 12th birthdays and let them out on their 21st, precisely to avoid situations like this!

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Do you have teenage daughters Heather? They won't even go in the shed, '....in case there's a spider!!!! :shock: '....... :roll::roll:


surely that's part of the punishment :twisted::lol::twisted::lol:



OH is IT person which is handy as means I get a good Internet connection :D

Although explains large number of posts :oops:


I like your approach chookiehen :lol:

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Unfortunatly we can't get Broadband at our house - we are 4 metres too far from the exchange & BT are simply not interested in digging up the road to upgrade whatever needs upgrading.

Its hard to campaign on your own :?

We are on BT anytime,which by its name you would think would be unlimited,but.........


I am sure we will get Broadband sometime - the week before we move probably :?

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I've got a very nearly teenage daughter (13 in June). If we didn't have broadband no one ever get through to us on the phone. Ooops, silly I forgot, no one can get through to us on the telephone, we're permanently engaged as it is.... she can multi-task... MSN & telephone at the same time :roll:

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My 8 year old changes her clothes 3 times a day if I don't stop her and as for the 4 year old :!::!: We went shopping the other day and turned round to see her holding a pair of trousers up behind her and looking over her shoulder into the mirror to obviously check 'does my bum look big in this' she is 4 and she can't walk past the stainless steel bin or the glass front of the cooker without checking out her appearance :shock::shock:

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I was told today 'you've ruined my life!'


That from my six year old. :shock:


She had a sleepover on Saturday and they watched 'the Princess diaries' which I think may have contributed to it.


I had a one way conversation with her about ruined lives - getting up all hours of the night to administer drinks and cuddles, spending all my time cleaning and cooking, continually tidying up after certain ungrateful children I could mention, changing pooey nappies, pants and trousers (my 3 year old has regressed A LOT recently).....


She got the message, I think. then we had a hug and made up.

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My 3 year old has regressed a lot lately too :(


We seem to have come out of it this week touch wood. :?


Last week I actually phoned my stepmum and asked if I could leave the monster there so I could get a breather. It was the day from hell with loo roll soggy in the sink, all shampoo and soap products emptied on the floor, toothpaste smeared on her bedroom walls and violence towards the cats :cry:


I could have killed her :roll:


Now I have taken to doing all housework in the evenings (in between forum postings) so that I can devote all my time to her in the day (forum permitting!) :P

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