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They're hatching!! Gratuitous chick shots added!

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Due today or tomorrow, just been out to say Good Morning and we have one chick already fluffed up and another shell pipping!! Never managed to get the kids out of bed that fast before! :lol: The one that's hatched is either Indian Game or a Silver Laced Wyandotte - the shell is white. So excited! :dance::dance:


Mrs Bertie

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Congratulations! :D - the Marans eggs we brought back from holiday were due yesterday.....but they weren't fertile as we had hoped :(


What a shame. We had such a good hatch lst time (5 out of 7) that I was trying to get he kids ready for disappointment in case we weren't so lucky this time but it's almost impossible not to get excited. We've got another Copper Black Maran egg - it was a boy last time so fingers crossed this time


Mrs B

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Well so far we have a silver laced wyandotte and two indian game birds hatched, one Rhode island red egg has pipped but nothing seems to be happening so we'll have to wait and see what the morning brings. Mum is luvverly, all puffed up and happy looking :D Once they're all hatched nicely we'll move them into the yellow eglu which has now been fully vacated by her earlier brood.

I love chickens!

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The guy I bought the eggs from is local and has said he will take the boys back. OH came up with "maybe we COULD keep a cockerel, the boys we've got aren't really any trouble" - That's because they're only 14 weeks old and haven't started crowing yet!! :shock:

So we've got a home and a harem for Bill, and Fred and any others will go back to the breeder, if he couldn't or wouldn't take them, to be honest we'd eat them (sorry :oops: ) as we're in a suburban setting and can't really have loads of boys cock a doodle dooing all day long.

Fingers crossed for girls as all this hatch (bar one maybe!) are going to a friend (if I can bear to let them go :? )

Next year when Speckle goes broody again (if she does) I want to put her on a load of Poland eggs, then I'm keeping the LOT! :D


Mrs B

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