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Poo picking, in free range area : Frivolous comment

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Sorry for this frivolous post, and it is a little horrific, but does make my husband laugh, and the rest of us wretch...


We seem to have discovered a successful method of poo picking in the free range area of the garden....


...our chocolate labrador goes around and eats it...


...sorry very gross..


and we dont seem to able to stop him..


...thought I'd share that stomach turning moment with you all.... :-D


Also, I so wish I had a lovely lilac or pink eglu....mine is green...still gorgeous but I wish I'd chosen a more girly colour :-D


My brother is hoping to get a cube, and then I'll be incredibly jealous, and happy at the same time, as he'll love the chickens...

his garden is much bigger than ours, so he can fit one in easily..


I hope he'll be able to get one, as his wife (my sister in law) is rather set against it.. :anxious:

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cordelia, you obviously need to set yourself up in business, renting your dog out to chicken keepers. You could then become rich enough to move house, to a place with a bigger garden and buy yourself a girlie coloured cube with loads of chickens. That dog has the answer to all your problems!


chicken poop gives them the most awfull wind which she shared with us in the evenings :lol: :lol:


On second thoughts............ maybe not! :D

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cordelia, you obviously need to set yourself up in business, renting your dog out to chicken keepers. You could then become rich enough to move house, to a place with a bigger garden and buy yourself a girlie coloured cube with loads of chickens. That dog has the answer to all your problems




goodness yes...what a great idea !!! I'm sure the dog would agree....


drat havent got the hang of quoting....sorry :-D:oops:

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my German Shepherd licks her lips every time she's sees a chicken poo! :vom:


She knows she's being naughty as she'd rather eat it in secret when we are not watching and then comes in and licks your face. :shameonu::lol:


Gross I shall share this thread with my OH tonight

somehow I dont think he will moan about our two lazy

cats quite as much

:lol: Thanks for sharing :lol::lol:


I cant work the quote thinghy either :oops::roll:

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My lab loves it too (well he loves all sorts of poo to be honest!) - especially the smelly ones! :vom: Luckily he doesn't lick us, but he does burp when he's enjoyed something ....


He's a wonderful dog and I love him dearly - he's just got yukky habits!

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:vom: but very convenient :)


When we were looking for a dog and researching breeds I remember reading that chocolate labs have stranger habits than the yellow and black ones - it also said they were more clumsy :D


Our terrier once rolled in some badger poo and while I was telling him off he found some human sick and rolled in that too! I had to wrap him in a blanket and selotape it in place before I put him in the car.

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:vom: but very convenient :)


Our terrier once rolled in some badger poo and while I was telling him off he found some human sick and rolled in that too! I had to wrap him in a blanket and selotape it in place before I put him in the car.



OMG stop!! I am falling on the floor laughing my head off :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Why do we have these animals, they are all GROSS :lol::lol::lol:



Mrs B

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not just labs, our springer loves poo of all descriptions too! particularly horse manure - the fresher the better! sometimes when we are out walking, she'll run ahead where we can't see her and come back with a big mouthful of it, with brown/black smeared all round her face. Too gross! :vom:

we once also caught her rolling on a dead, half decomposed bat (took a while to work out what it was) - why do dogs do such gross things?? but then even so, we still all love them :D:D

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I wasn't going to admit that my 3 have the self-same revolting habit, but now someone else has brought up the subject - they have and they do!! And until we barricaded the run doorway, would "hoover" the run too!!!


And yes choccie labs are more clumsy & daft then the other 2 colours. Was told a while ago that the 3 colours can be described in one word each:

Clumsy - chocolate

Crazy - Black

Greedy - yellow


Not far wrong either! I've got a friend who's a dog breeder & trainer & she says she'll never take on a choc for training (except mine of course, who she loves to bits!!)


Wouldn't be without any of my 3 though, they are all adorable in their own little ways!


Sha xx

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