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Everyone...PLEASE, PLEASE wish me luck!!!!!

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Keeping everything crossed for you :D When will you find out?


Karen x


Not sure. It's only 1pm here in the States. I have four windows open at the moment, the forum, craigslist, my email, and another forum here in the states (which I haven't posted about the Eglu on :shh::oops: as it would be TOO many people making offers) Is that selfish?!? :angel: I'm on constant vigil. Sent my telephone number for them to call me. It has become a waiting game I'm afraid. You all will be the first to know.

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Keeping everything crossed for you :D When will you find out?


Karen x


Not sure. It's only 1pm here in the States. I have four windows open at the moment, the forum, craigslist, my email, and another forum here in the states (which I haven't posted about the Eglu on :shh::oops: as it would be TOO many people making offers) Is that selfish?!? :angel: I'm on constant vigil. Sent my telephone number for them to call me. It has become a waiting game I'm afraid. You all will be the first to know.


Not selfish at all, the fewer people who know the better :wink: plus if eglus aren't quite so popular over the pond then that may increase your chances too :pray:


Karen x

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The Eglu has been sold, but not to me. :cry: The person who bought it has until Tuesday to pick it up, if not it will be mine. I also offered the young lady selling it $500.00 instead of the asked for $350.00. I know it is sneaky and underhanded :whistle::talk2hand: But I really, really want another Eglu. Fingers crossed. :D


Edited to add: After I posted this I called the young lady back to withdraw my offer. Prudence and fairplay told me it was wrong to take the Eglu away from another future owner. If it is meant to be, I will get the Eglu fairly. :shameonu::oops: Shame on me.

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