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The Weather Thread

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What a picture!


Here in Sheffield, near Barnsley, it is a glorious day already, although Jack Frost has done overtime and the hen's water is frozen again half an hour after me doing the pyjama run with a jug of hot water. :?


Fires lit already! :D


:lol::lol::lol: I don't have to imagine as I was doing the same.

Pyjamas, wellies and a down jacket this morning.

The thought of a kindred spirit in Sheffield doing the same thing brought a real smile to my face.

DH already gone to work so I took a bowl of porridge and the laptop back to bed.

Sky full of snow.

Off out with dogs.

Have a great day, on this first day of Advent, everyone :D:D:D

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Gorgeous picture :D I had to break the ice on the glug this morning for the first time.


My Light Sussex Bertha has decided that this is the week to moult :shock: Feathers are drifting off her wherever she goes feel like getting some glue and sticking them back on again :lol:


So cold last night I slept with my dressing gown on and the hood up :roll:


I did the run in my big dressing gown and hood :lol:


can't spell too cold

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From Banbury, near Oxford :wink:


No snow yet, although one of the people on my course yesterday came from Gloucester and said that there was snow on their route through the Cotswolds :D


Clear and very frosty here this morning, although cloudy last night, so no sight of the moon/planets :(


Bright and pretty but -2 this morning, glug not frozen, but the chickens' bunny bottles were.

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I looked for the planets last night but there was a patch of cloud where I assume they would be, so no luck here either. :(


It was frosty here too this morning and the glugs needed unfreezing. The Girls enjoyed having a free range time scuffling around in the frozen vegetation while I poo-picked, fed them and hung the washing out. They are having a warming dish of porridge right now.


Remembered when I was a kid, the washing used to freeze on the line and would be all stiff. I used to love that! :lol:


DD just texted me to say it's snowing in Stoke on Trent (where she works) right now.

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Hi Everyone

Here in Preesall near Blackpool

We woke up to rain but at 8 30 it was hailing so sounds like it is getting colder.

Hens were out free ranging but ran for cover as soon as it hailed straight into their Henian Castle so they know where it is warm and nice.


How is it with the rest of the UK?


Best regards


Ian & Valerie

William & Harry

Missy & Millie dogs

9 lovely hens

Henian Castle with (purple eglu)(cube purple) inside it

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Our car was gritted three times over the weekend :?:roll:


A hard frost this morning - and now the sky has gone a very odd colour :shock: - perhaps it will snow :D


Same here Lesley - light sleet shower when I walked to work, but no snow yet :(


Ardene5 - just a suggestion, but why don't you put your last bit about your family and hens in your signature? It'd save you having to type it each time :)

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The day started cold but no frost, then we had a wierd sunrise that was pink with ice blue clouds looked very sci-fi :shock: then the sky went mustard coloured and it darkened. When I took YD to school it was dull and cold but just after I came back it rained quite heavily for a couple of hours then the sun came out and it was quite nice for a while. Very cold again now though.

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Have you got snow yet Lin? The clouds are scooting over here and I expect that it will start soon.


Sorry for the tardy reply, Claret. I wasn't online at all yesterday as someone went in to the back of our car (for the second time in six months :shock: ) so spent all day sorting out insurance and him going to the garage as the boot wouldn't close and so we couldn't lock him. I hardly ever use the car these days (OH takes him to work) but I'm due to drive up to Lincolnshire tomorrow to visit my Mum. I'll now have to do the journey in a strange (as in not what I'm used to) courtesy car. Couldn't have come at a worse time really! :roll::roll::roll: I just hope the damage to my darling "Ron" isn't too bad and he can be fixed. At least OH is blameless as he was stationary at the time, so the other guy's insurance will have to cough up. I'm just glad we didn't have Muggle and Squib in the car at the time. We'd taken them to visit a friend's son's Nursery class in the morning.


In answer to your question......still no snow here yet at all, but it is frosty.

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