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The Weather Thread

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-5 here at the moment Lesley, and we've still got some of the snow from yesterday too. Blue skies though and brilliant sunshine :D8)


The pup did a very quick piddle too this morning, then a long run around in the park after I'd eaten my breakfast.


I was woken up at 4am by a fox calling in the street outside - they live in the park at the end of the road.. will have to keep an eye on the girls and make sure that they are in the run early today.

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  Claret said:
-5 here at the moment Lesley, and we've still got some of the snow from yesterday too. Blue skies though and brilliant sunshine :D8)


The pup did a very quick piddle too this morning, then a long run around in the park after I'd eaten my breakfast.


I was woken up at 4am by a fox calling in the street outside - they live in the park at the end of the road.. will have to keep an eye on the girls and make sure that they are in the run early today.



We were woken at 4am as well - by Jazz :evil: - she could obviously hear your fox as well as those of our own :roll::lol:

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  Lesley said:


Very cold here this morning - my weather station is on its way, wish I had it already.


Can you give us an update on it when it arrives Lesley please :) What you think of it, ease of setting up etc as I'm feeling left out not being able to give temperatures -lol All I know is that it is gloriously sunny here but feels very cold.

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Very cold here too (not sure exactly as I don't have a weather station :mrgreen: but it was supposed to be at least -5 last night). :shock: Snow from yesterday is still here and very frozen but we haven't had any more. The skies are brightening and we even have some sunshine.


5 out of the 7 girls refused to come out and free range yesterday and this morning all 7 were huddled under the eglu platforms. I assume that was the warmest place in the run. I made them some porridge to warm their tummies.


I was planning to clean the eglus today, but may have a rethink on that one. :lol:

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It was just above freezing yesterday morning and we had about 1.5 inches of snow.


The children all went back to school yesterday and were not impressed, the older 2 waited 20 minutes for their bus but that did give some snow time :lol:


My YD's school let the children in to do registration then let them out to play for an hour and had a snowman competition 8) They obviously realised that they would get no sense out of them until they had been out there :lol:


-5 at 7am -7 by 8am this morning :shock: The Eglu door was stuck I had to really tug it up.


I feel so sorry for my chooks at the moment, we get no sun in the back at this time of year. I have been letting them freerange all day to keep them moving and yesterday they spent the whole day eating snow. why do I give them warm water in the mornings? :shock::roll:


Here are some photos taken at 7.15am yesterday.






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It is still -2.9 here now, very sunny though :D




Who made these footprints? :lol: I have just taken this photo so there is quite a bit of snow still.


The pavements down to school particularly the alleyway at the top of the cul-de-sac were really icy this morning.

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Claret, maybe you'll know. I took Eric out around midnight for a quick jog around the field and when I checked on the buns, both of them were out in the freezing cold huddled together under their glug. Why don't they go into their lovely warm hay filled eglu? I worried that they would be stiff as a board in the morning but of course, they were absolutely fine. :roll:

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Very cold here. I have both my son and daughter at home as the heating has packed up in their respective schools :shock:

My son is now off until Monday when they should have got it sorted. still waiting to hear from my daughter'sschool. Just as well that I've got a really good manager :!:

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-6 when I left for work at 5.30 this morning. Am now in Brussels with lots of snow on top of ice :shock: and -12! Staying in my room with a hot water bottle on my lap (travel size, how sad am I)?? :lol::lol:


Off to Milan tomorrow and heavy snow forecast there. Hope we are delayed so I don't have to go to Paris :D:D


According to the weatherman (OH) at home, it is still -1.

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  ..lay a little egg for me said:
Not fair! Everyone seems to have had snow except for us! :cry:



We have none in North Scotland and its a hot 2 degrees up here with a wind that must make the chill factor lots lower but at least its dry and sun was shining but cloudy now. The girls all laid yesterday and it amazes me that they lay in the cold weather at all. We are very lucky.


Christian - keep that bottle warm and stay in and be cosy - it sounds brass monkey weather over there. Brussels is wonderful though. Just think of all the lovely chocolates to buy buy buy :lol:

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  clootie said:
Claret, maybe you'll know. I took Eric out around midnight for a quick jog around the field and when I checked on the buns, both of them were out in the freezing cold huddled together under their glug. Why don't they go into their lovely warm hay filled eglu? I worried that they would be stiff as a board in the morning but of course, they were absolutely fine. :roll:


:lol::lol: Because they're daft! My two are exactly the same; bunnies don't generally 'go to bed' at night like GPs do - they are diurnal, so are most active at night and sleepy during the day. Mine go in their winter hutch in November - it's a big, duplex log cabin type thing and I have a plastic shower curtain (how ever did we manage without them?) cover that I pull down over it. Their water (inside the hutch) was still frozen this morning though! They grow very thick coats and don't seem to mind - they hate the damp though.


Hunny Bunny and Cupcake go in their pink rablu on the lawn as soon as the weather picks up in the spring and the grass is less wet.

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Well we had no more snow overnight, but like you all, it was very cold this morning - minus 4 when we went out at 9.30am! :shock: But it does feel much warmer - there is one sunny patch in the garden and the chooks are all taking it in turns to sunbathe in it! :lol:

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