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little chickadee

what aftershave/ perfume makes you go weak at the knees?

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After reading Cinammon's post about the scents we all wear, I wondered whether there are any sents which turn your head or make you go weak at the knees.


My aftershave of choice is Farenheit. Always had a thing about it and hope they never stop making it!

I just read your post in the other thread and it reminded me that I have only ever bought one brand of aftershave for my OH, love it (and him in it!) And guess what? It's Fahrenheit! Nothing else comes close! :lol:

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I'm not a fan of aftershave BUT when in my 20s I had a whirlwind romance in Paris with a guy who wore Armani...and it still makes my stomach flip when I smell it. Don't know what it is about it and am sure it wouldn't smell the same on anyone else but weak at the knees doesn't begin to describe it!


My husband doesn't do aftershave at all but smells lovely as he is! :wink:

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I used to see a chap and he wore Escape by Calvin Klein. The smell brings back memories, not necessarily weak at the knees memories, more like remembering how naive I was! (I was 16, he was 26!). :roll:


OH wears whatever I buy him for Christmas. At the moment he has Homme by YSL.

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