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Planning on getting a dog.....pic page 7!!

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Thanks for all your replies! :D


Cooks - No name will be revealed until I have the dog and the name suits him (or if it's a her - a different name) :wink:


Your Scottiepoo is adorable Quickcluck :lol:


Thanks DM, will have a chat with the warden as he did mention the 7 day rule at the pound in Town.


Have been through 'which dog is best for you' types things on the t'interweb and a terrier seems to be the perfect match. Obedient (when trained and when they want to be :roll::lol: ), active, friendly, adaptable (and cute)!


CM - would love a puppy, but not possible with work etc. I plan to take at least 2 weeks off when scruffs (not his/her name, Cooks :wink: ) arrives and allow them to settle in for a bit with regular visits to Mum's and a couple of sleepovers to get them used to traveling along the M3. So the plan is to get a year old dog and hope that will help with regards to settling in better...?



CHP - yes, the spot in front of Stanley has been assigned already, plus the corner of the lounge, near the fire (and my bedroom, which he/she will not be allowed into :liar::wink: ) :D *squeals with excitement* :lol:

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I'm sure you've read up on this, but with regards to rules, you need to start as you mean to go on... just like training children and men :wink: so no-go areas need to be defined and reinforced with rewards when they get it right (for me this means no dogs on furniture or upstairs). It would be a good idea to confine it to one area at first to avoid it getting over-excited and piddling everywhere - stair gates are a godsend for this.


Cyrus came to me with the habit of getting on furniture; he's a bit dim so is only just getting the idea that dogs stay on the floor in this house. :roll::lol:


Have you checked here?

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I do love springers..... :think: but I think they might be a bit big for me ....Imagine Alys Fowler from Gardener's World with her s"Ooops, word censored!"py dog Isabelle....riding an old bike to the allotment (Alys peddling, Isabelle in the basket) and you get my idea...

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Great news!!!! :dance::D:dance:


If you like Cockers, why not go for one Christian? Just don't get the working strain type. The "show" ones are much more placid. A friend has a Cavalier KC and she is very quiet and docile and just the right size if you want a small dog.


As you know I am dog mad and love all dogs but a MIL has a Jack Russell, and lets just say that dog would try the patience of a saint :twisted: . Terriers make up for their size in personality and determination so if you are looking for a challenge get a "terror" but if you want a dog that behaves and listens to you - don't get one!! :lol:


I shall be watching this thread with anticipated interest. :D *big grin*

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Im watching with interest too, cant wait to hear how you get on tomorrow. I have to say all the JRs ive ever known have all been a bit hyper, uber cute, but hyper :lol: I prefer a lazier dog myself, just like me, my little pooch likes nothing better than snuggling up on the sofa with me :D

Dog definately allowed on furniture in this house, but i dont have huge lurchers :lol: (Sorry Clare :oops::lol: )

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:lol::lol: they're not referred to as 'terrorists' for nowt :roll:


Each to their own Sandie :wink: most of my lurcher friends allow them on the furniture too and can't understand me not permitting it. I've always been strict about where I will and won't allow dogs.... basically not upstairs at all and not on the human furniture.


They are an endless source of amusement though - last night Cyrus was trying to goad Ruby into playing by grabbing her teddy and racing around the room with it in his gob. She wasn't having anything to do with him, but relented in the end and they played raar-raar-bitey face for a bit. Sounds like I have 2 T-Rexes in the living room when they do that! :roll:

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I've just had a chat with the Dogs Trust in the next town, but they don't have any scruffy terriers in at the moment. Will pop in next week and register with them though :D


Looking at all the dogs that need rehoming it just breaks your heart how many were dumped at the side of the road :(

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I wouldn't say no to a Cocker spaniel, it's just I have this feeling that a scruffy little terrier would be right somehow.


Reading up on them, they seem like a challenge at times, but trainable if you are prepared to put the work in. I quite fancy training a dog :D

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I think you'd like a cocker too Christian, highly intelligent normally (mine missed her fair share) :lol:


You ought to talk to cocker spaniel rescue :wink: and all the rescues in your area for scruffy terriers, there are loads in rescues every year :(

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