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We've also got fireworks going off tonight somewhere - like Dan, I can't be bothered anymore :roll:


But - we've also had a note through the door 5 minutes ago from the Pub over the road. Their fireworks were supposed to be last night but didn't happen for some reason.


The note says that they will be having the firework display Monday 7th starting at 7pm and lasting for approx. 40 minutes. It also asks that people keep their pets indoors.


At least we all know in the village, that the display will be short lived. It isn't difficult to do in a smallish village I suppose - but it's nice to know that they bother.

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Give the Jehovah's Witnesses a ring and pretend to be your neighbour. Tell them that you would love them to come around tomorrow and discuss some deep religious issues. Also tell them that you have definately made your mind up about wanting to discuss these issues and whatever you might say to them when they turn up at your door, they are not to take no for an answer. That should do it :wink:




P.S. Apologies to any JW's out there, very sorry.

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i think id go nuts if that was near me. im not a nervous person really but loud noises i hate. got the window open now in case the two hen in the eglu start to squark. innara in the box is quiet so far.so good


i dont drink alcohol so i cant calm me nerves that way, chocolte (galaxy bar) will have to do :P

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8) I'm impressed, Dan. Trouble is, I think we've swapped roles now....this week I am :twisted: and not just the :x builders...

On Weds. I stood up to a man over a minor incident, who then leant forward and threatened me, several times saying "Did you say no to me? Did you say no to me? I'm a gypsy.

:shock: There was I preaching the virtues of being non-judgmental. By the way, I stood my ground (:?easier my being female )until he had the last word & left, thankfully without actual harm.

From there, still shaking, arrived at work to find that a brick had been lobbed thru' the window solely to steal the charity box...for Asian Earhquake appeal.

Knocked my faith in humans that day...scum...

Oh well, another cup of tea...

Haven't drunk any spirits, not one sip, since my 21st (a long time ago!) :wink:

I know I've gone off topic & should prob. be deleted...its just I've changed my mind about being thoughtful & caring to everyone. :cry:

Oh, pass the chocolate.

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:oops::oops::oops: Sorry to rub the salt in ... BUT I love going to a good firework display, once a year with the boys. :oops: . I know they scare the hell out of pets ... my departed Staffy X, used to tremble like some others, even at a backfiring car :( . She even associated bangs with kids coming out of school, so her walk used to be before or after school ended. :shock: .


Having said that, a neighbour shut the "girls" away earlyish last night, as we were at a childs party, then straight onto a school arranged firework display ... AND when I opened the Eglu this morning, there were 3 !egg! 's. So either they scared the eggs out of them .. or the girls were simply not that bothered.

There are still fireworks going off as I type .... but it has got slightly better over the last year ... so I await the final silence. :?:wink:

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There are explosions here all the time tonight too, but not nearly as bad as last night. My chickens don't seem traumatized and laid an egg each today. I can take it, if it stops by my bedtime. Luckily all the people who went through the Blitz are going deaf by now, otherwise they would surely find it scary.


We never used to need legislation about everything: we relied on good sense and good manners. And fireworks were mainly for children, who went to bed at a reasonable time.

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:) Totally agree Gallina ... which is why we went to a Primary School organised event .. where the boys are safe .. but also get to see some fab fireworks (on the appropriate day) and still be in bed by 8pm. Luckily, they are fast asleep NOW ... but there was a time when they were a bit younger, when the late night bangs disturbed them :evil: .


I also don't like the ON and ON New Year fireworks ....... :? . Fine on Nov 5th but don't drag it out. :wink:

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You lot are gonna hate me then aren't you, me and my friends are having late bonfire night tomorrow :oops:


I have to say that this year the fireworks have been a lot better. They have been much quieter and have all stopped by 10:30, even last night! The chooks seem fine - no ploppy eggs and the whole thing hasn't been so traumatising as i thought! Normally the cat is cowering under the table but this year is fine (he is quite deaf now tho).


I have to say i have seen an improvement.

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not sure dan, but i know there are still Diwali festivals going on round here and i think there is a fire works extravaganza at the safari park tonight. im in the midlands too - Staffs


all i have to put up with is endless banging of the next door neighbour everynight for the past three weeks..... doing DIY !! till all hours still doing it NOW and its 9.15pm :roll:

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There are four nights a year under the new law when fireworks can continue until midnight: Chinese New Year, Diwali, Guy Fawkes' Day, and New Year's Eve. Every other night they have to stop at 11pm.


Diwali was the week before last, so you now have a right to expect peace after 11pm from Guy Fawkes' night until 31 December.


But is anyone enforcing this new law? They certainly aren't in Oxford.

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