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Guest chookiehen

Day from hell

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Can't call my OH he calls me! Not an animal or bug lover in the least. On our honeymoon we went for walk in Northumberland across a field where we were staying (with farmers permission) and rather than go past a herd of black cattle, he pushed me in front to cover him, and we had to wade through a stream climb over an electric fence - me first - well that is how I knew it was electric!


When we left the farm, the farmers three year old lad went into the field right into the middle of the herd, and just shoved them out of the way! OH just gave me one of those looks so I kept my mouth shut!


He's great with an iron and vacuum cleaner though! :wink:

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We are thinking of you Shona, and many of us have been in the same situation, so do understand how you feel.


Hope out little 'asides' distract you.


Sending sincere and loving hugs

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My support is here as it is with the 'girls'. No point saying don't worry but hold fire on playing the 'scary movie' until you see the GP. Most lumps aren't serious but of course it's a worry and you're doing the right thing. This forum is wonderful in times of need so please use it to offload. Let us know what happens.





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Just wanted to say thanks for all the messages of support - it certainly helps! Spent yesterday trying to keep my mind off things, we went out and spent some of our rainy day fund, seemed like an appropriate time to do it. Glad to say, I managed to get my shoes, so spent the rest of the day tottering around in completely inappropriate heels, but it put a smile on my face! Chookiehubbie to me to see Harry Potter in the evening (if you've read the book, I wouldn't bother going - it's not very good - possibly a contender for 'The Most Over-hyped Film Ever'), and now it's just a case of waiting till the morning.


I'm finding it hard to keep my hands off of my boob (ooooer, missus!), wondering if it's gone, has it got smaller, has it moved etc, etc. I am heartened slightly by the fact that it really hurts if you touch it, which I believe would suggest it is nothing horrific, but I'll have to see what the GP says tomorrow.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who has a problem with spiders - nasty, evil things - I'm sure I can see them giggle at me when the scuttle up the wall........

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I'm finding it hard to keep my hands off of my boob (ooooer, missus!),
...... :oops: don't worry Shona, my worst offences were constantly checking whilst driving the car. The saet belt obviously put some pressure on my boob ... so I was more aware of it when in the car :roll: . Best wishes for tomorrow ...... glad you got the shoes :P
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Hi Shona - I've only just caught up with this thread. (Doesn't it take ages when you haven't logged on for a while?! - I can't skip any in case I miss something! :roll: ) (And I'd have hated to have missed Lesley's spider story!! :lol: )


All I can do is repeat the sentiments of everyone else and to say I'm thinking of you.


Regardless of the outcome I guess you've already discovered that these things really make you appreciate life and make you realise how important it is to seize the day. :wink:


OH lost the sight in one of his eyes earlier this year for about two and a half months - it's back now but the tests etc showed it was a problem with his optic nerve and - essentially - the upshot is that he has over a 50% chance of being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis within the next 5 years. BUT we're really cool about it. It might not happen but then again it might - so we're doing what we want each day. We were going to wait a few years before sinking some money into a boat but now we're going to bring the plan forward. We're still being sensible and saving for our old age etc but it has put things into perspective. The world is full of evil and sadness these days but for most people life IS GREAT - I believe it's what you make it - so whatever happens Shona Chin Up - Enjoy Life - Seize the Day - Eat Chocolate AND diet :wink:


(BTW I agree - it really helps to offload on strangers :wink: - do keep us informed because it's equally funny how you can care and worry so much for people you've never met :wink: )

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Well, have been seen by my GP, and as expected, I am being referred to the hospital for a scan and possibly a biopsy, dependant on what the scan shows. The thing that gets me is how long I now have to wait for the hospital - around about 2 weeks the doctor thinks. Now I realise that it was highly unlikely that when she saw it that alarms would be pressed and ambulances would be summoned and things would be done today, but 2 weeks is going to feel like a lifetime - the weekend was bad enough!


I personally don't feel too bad now - I've spent another chunk of the rainy day fund, and my new shoes are breaking in nicely, but Chookiehubbie is driving me mad - he phones at least once an hour to check up on me, and he tossed and turned last night and kept waking me up. I've told him that if I want him to panic I will tell him, but he seems to be taking all this much worse than I am.


He also thinks we should tell our parents, but I don't want to at the moment - it seems a bit selfish to worry them needlessly, and he thinks I should take some time off work, to try and de-stress about the whole thing. Not sure if that would work, as 'Every little helps' only applies to the customers, and certainly not to sick staff! I think he may be the one who needs the time off!

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But he loves you and is obviously worried! You would no doubt be the same if it was him! Can't you both take some time off? Have a few days out - that'll pass the time and perhaps take your minds off it.



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Keep doing what you are doing to make yourself feel better. Pamper yourself with aromantherapy bath oils and candles.


Take time out to book a massage. Get your hair done, have a facial, have a manicure or pedicure or reflexology. It really helps. Just try and fit in a few personal quality time things just for you - as well as keeping occupied.


If we all concentrate on positive vibes for you some of them are bound to reach you.


Sometimes the fact that you are not 'rushed off in an ambulance with bells ringing' is a good sign that there would not be obvious major cause for concern. But when I was in the same boat - it was a major concern for me at the time, so as you have read from your supporters here, we really do know what you are going through.


Bless you xx

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The two weeks will seem like a long time Shona but at least things are set in motion now. Good Luck and Big Hugs


As a family we've been through this a few times in the last few years - my Mother, step-mother and ex MIL. One had cancer and a mastectomy, one would probably develop cancer and opted for a mastectomy and the other was just a cyst. All three are fit and well.

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Gosh Shona - just caught up on this one - I hope that you're ok.


I had a breast lump earlier this year - luckily it turned out to be a fatty lump thing, but not before I had nearly gone spare with worry! It's still there, but I haven't made friends with it yet - still hate it for causing all that worry.


Loads of positive vibes and hugs coming your way



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Take time out to book a massage. Get your hair done, have a facial, have a manicure or pedicure or reflexology.


Please take care with massage until lump has been diagnosed - a massage therapist should be advised before treatment.


However, I hasten to add, most lumps are nothing to worry about, but all the same should be investigated.


Many years ago I was living overseas and discovered a breast lump. Facilities were basic so after surgery I was given said lump in a container and had to send it home to my parents to take to a doctor in the UK. This was rather difficult to explain as I had not wanted to worry them so had not told them about it !!


25 years later I'm still here to tell the tale.


Impossible to do, but try not too worry.



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Re massage - sorry, I just meant a head/face/neck massage - as in beauty therapy - along with the facial etc.


Anne was perfectly correct in advice - I didn't make things clear.


Bet you felt great in your lovely new shoes. There is something about new shoes isn't there.


I feel all girly when I get a new pair, and nice and feminine - even if they hurt my toes and do my old back in,


My sincere best wishes and apologises re my massage suggestion I should have clarified it.

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Please don't panic about the potential Biopsy.


As I said earlier, I have had a very similar experience to you, & went in for my scan & had a fine needle Biopsy there & then.


It was really painless, no worse that an injection, & the results came quickly....within a couple of hours.


I had no idea they were going to do this until I went in,& if I had know it would have panicked me, but it was not bad in the least.....in fact the staff were fantstic at making me feel calm & comfortable.


I went in on my own,which I think helped as I didn't have to "make conversation" with anyone (not even Hubby!)

I am not too good at conversation when I am feeling stressed :?

Take a book or magazine with you & just try to get involved in it.

I also had a swatch with lavender oil which I find really calming.Maybe it is all in my head, but I reckon it helps :D


Get cracking with the Christmas shopping over the next couple of weeks,that should make the time go quicker for you :D

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I think your hubby isn't sure what to do Shona. He's concerned for you and I just wanted to add that having a talk about things openly with him may be good for you. He will need to be guided by what you want and also may find some useful info on the internet.


It's early days and you are bound to worry, we all are hoping that you get some good news in a couple of weeks.



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Good advice Buffster - you're not a counseller for nothing!


Take care Shona - and keep talking to your hubby - men are usually unable to deal with stuff like this and he needs to know what you want in terms of support, but may not know what to say or how to ask. Boys tend to flop about when presented with anyhting to do with hospitals and (heaven forbid) Women's Things. So talk to him and ask him for support.


Take care and keep your beak up


Big hugs coming your way



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