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Cat tails

Sudden death

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Found Babs my beautiful Barnevelder dead in the run, this afternoon. On her back, legs in the air. The classic dead bird pose...

Did hear them make lots of egg songs today, that they kept on doing for some time. When I went to check, I found poor Babs.

Couldn’t find anything wrong with her at all. No blood, nothing broken, colour good. She did lay an egg, her fifth in total...

Any one a suggestion why my 6 month old hen would just literally keel over?


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20 hours ago, Patricia W said:

So sad.  It always seems to happen to the special ones... 

She was a timid quiet girl, but quite steady and sweet. 
I have decided to get more barnevelders in the future anyway. Lovely birds.

20 hours ago, mullethunter said:

Oh no CT that’s horrid - she was such a beautiful girl. Hopefully it was quick.

I had a Plymouth Rock bantam who had a bad respiratory issue and I’m pretty sure either suffocated or had a heart attack from so much mucus and she was in that same dead position.

She didn’t show anything. I normally can spot any trouble, but will never know. 

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Very sorry about Babs Catstails.  Something similar happened to one of ours - found her in the dustbathing spot and from a distance she looked like she was dustbathing.  I have no idea what happened but she'd been fine in the morning and a couple of hours later was stiff.  It's probably better for the birds when it happens like that but it is certainly a shock to the owner.

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8 minutes ago, Minnie&Moose said:

Very sorry about Babs Catstails.  Something similar happened to one of ours - found her in the dustbathing spot and from a distance she looked like she was dustbathing.  I have no idea what happened but she'd been fine in the morning and a couple of hours later was stiff.  It's probably better for the birds when it happens like that but it is certainly a shock to the owner.

Exactly how I found Babs too! Although she didn’t go stiff yet.

I agree it was probably better than a visit to the vet with the same outcome.

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