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I think I may be sociophobic,as I hate social situations & will ofetn become 'ill' before an arrangement to go out. Made me miss Jimmy Carr live last week.

I really do get ill, its not made up - I am sick & everything. :roll: :roll:

Plane journeys are a nightmare. I don't even consider getting on a train any more.


And these are not phobias, but I hate & truly loath the following -



Walking down slopes



Handling anything dead, including raw meat - just makes me shudder

Vomit,or anything else icky

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I get dizzy wearing high heels Ali :oops:


Being locked in a room with Bruce Forsyth - he makes me crawl *shudders*


I get dizzy if I wear a thick pair of socks. :oops:


Must admit I'm not a Bruce fan either, Clare. That ridiculous hair weave gives me the eebie jeebies. He must be the only person in the UK who thinks it looks realistic. :?


I'm not a fan of toenails either, Kate, especially thick yellow ridged ones. :vom:

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Well my phobias are heights (very definitely), crowds (instant panic), and any closed space...

I have no problem whatsoever with door handles or what not in public spaces, and..... dare i say... I am one of those sick people who actually like going to the dentist (ok, he's good looking but no george clooney), and like needles (nothing bizarre, I don't inject myself with anything, just fascinated by them)....

As for spiders, well I used to be terrible, until I took control and went to a zoo and held a tarentula (or however it is spelt), and althought I didn't believe it would work, I have been totally fine with spiders ever since...


My worse phobia though, and there is another thread on this forum about this... is phones... give me a spider any day, but don't make me answer the phone...


For a nice and friendly, helpful bunch of people, aren't we still a weird lot??

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Strangley, I don't mind big spiders, like tarantulas.

Its the common house spider that freaks me out.

I think its a combination of the speed they move, the fact that they can just

JUMP OUT AT YOU from anywhere in the sanctuary of your own home, & the nasty pale brown colour that does it :roll:

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I have never heard of anybody else with this phobia. It is a running gag in the family :evil: I can't look at it, hear it, touch it - I run out of rooms with my hands over my ears and heaven forbid if I open a box and the item is encased in it - I literally get dizzy and clammy :oops: or the cups or plates made of it. I went to a do @ my very best friends house and I was the only one given a china plate and a glass :D


oh and injections (and just the sight of needles), blood, plane journeys, clowns :oops: , and creepy crawlies of any type, crowds and strangers (eg meeting new people @ omlet gatherings!) and the usual dentist thing - even though I don't have a single filling yet


Hmm think I need a shrink - that is far too many

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Well true... tarentulas don't usually crawl from under the sofa... thankfully!!! There is a huge difference between holding a big exotic spider on your own decision, and a smaller uninvited spider suddenly sneaking around very quickly....


Holding the tarentula helped me deal with looking at them all and not freak out so much (I used to refuse to walk into a room if I had seen a spider there in the last 48 hours) but I still jump if one turns up unexpectedly

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I think that I may be alone with this one but........................................


When your hands or feet go all wrinkly after being wet!!!!!!!! :shock:

That is my main phobia.


I also fear touching handles and things in public places, being in large crowds and social situations make me feel quite ill.

I hate hospitals-even visiting someone in one as I imagine all the bugs and germs everywhere so where ever you touch you are getting them all over you and when you breath in you are getting all the airbourne ones inside you! :evil:

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Really interesting.


I am frightened of heights, don't like making phone calls to people I know (really odd but has a story with it).


Have you heard of NLP? It's effective for these problems. I hope to train at some point but Mikey is about to qualify. I am going to let him do some jedi mind tricks on me and see what happens



Watch this space.




Up a mountain making a call :?:lol::lol:


BBx :wink:

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Have you heard of NLP? It's effective for these problems. I hope to train at some point but Mikey is about to qualify. I am going to let him do some jedi mind tricks on me and see what happens




BBx :wink:


Can I be your first test subject Buffie?? I would love to get over the spider thing :oops: big furry ones are ok but anything else makes me want to freak out.

Why do spiders have to come indoors? and why do they have to do that horrible webby stuff - every time I go into the garden to see the chooks I have to arm myself with a broom and wave it about in front of me so I dont walk into one :oops:

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Don't mean to trivialise all your phobias (I feel so sorry for you - some of these things must make life really difficult :( .)


But I can't stand Deal or No Deal - I made myself sit through it to see what the fuss was about but I couldn't bear it! Why does Noel Edmunds make out that it's all strategy and skill - it's pure luck surely - and do they have to take sooooooo long? And how boring is it watching him listening to the banker on the phone? And if they take the money, you have to sit through what they WOULD have done if they hadn't - aaarrggh! It would all fit into a 10 min programme if they cut all unnecessary hanging around out.


Sorry for the rant.


My name's Vicki and I'm dealornodealophobic.

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I am going to let him do some jedi mind tricks on me and see what happens


He is a Jedi Knight! :shock:8):lol:


What are Jedi mind tricks?


I call him Obi Wan (Starwars, Anne) :wink: The truth is George Lucas (Star wars) is a master practioner in NLP, Mikey is training to that standard next year. The force and the jedi powers were loosely based on NLP. Another bit of trivia is that Jim Henson of ' The Muppets' fame couldn't sell the idea and was about to go bust. He trained as a master practioner of NLP and ...well...the rest is history. Sesame street has to be using NLP for children.


Sorry off on a tangent but that's why I call it jedi mind tricks :D


off to lie down now :oops:


BBx :D

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Don't mean to trivialise all your phobias (I feel so sorry for you - some of these things must make life really difficult :( .)


But I can't stand Deal or No Deal - I made myself sit through it to see what the fuss was about but I couldn't bear it! Why does Noel Edmunds make out that it's all strategy and skill - it's pure luck surely - and do they have to take sooooooo long? And how boring is it watching him listening to the banker on the phone? And if they take the money, you have to sit through what they WOULD have done if they hadn't - aaarrggh! It would all fit into a 10 min programme if they cut all unnecessary hanging around out.


Sorry for the rant.


My name's Vicki and I'm dealornodealophobic.




Dentists (poor man is very patient with me and is quite gorgeous but he is a dentist :shock: )


Ticks :shock::shock::shock:


I used to work in a place where we kept tropical ticks which are massive :vom:


Never had a problem before but now if one of the cats comes in with one :anxious:

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But I can't stand Deal or No Deal - I made myself sit through it to see what the fuss was about but I couldn't bear it! Why does Noel Edmunds make out that it's all strategy and skill - it's pure luck surely - and do they have to take sooooooo long? And how boring is it watching him listening to the banker on the phone? And if they take the money, you have to sit through what they WOULD have done if they hadn't - aaarrggh! It would all fit into a 10 min programme if they cut all unnecessary hanging around out.


Sorry for the rant.


My name's Vicki and I'm dealornodealophobic.


I must be one as well. I watched it once to see what all the fuss was about, in its early days.


Why do the audience have to clap and whoop and holler every time someone so much as clears their throat.


Who cares about these awful people and their greed. :?


And to think that twerp Noel Edmonds has made millions out of it.

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I'm interested in NLP Buffie - the Pug can practice on me any time :wink:


I'm trying to overcome my fear of heights and can now manage my small step ladder. Last time we went to Manchester - Phil took me up that glass wedge building - they have a sort of funicular inside - at the top, he was looking out through the wall of glass while I sat on the floor gibbering :oops::roll: But he got me up Horsey wind pump last time we went to Norfolk; I held on tightly to him and wouldn't look out, but got to the top :D Lots of deep breathign involved to calm me down.


Strange really because I'm not the sort of person to be scared of much - I used to go white water rafting and have done all sorts of daft and risky things, I'm not squeamish and watched them oprate on my leg once. But heights and spiders just get to me :roll::(

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Other peoples toenails... :shock::shock::shock::shock: Can't bear them, and if chookiehubbies toenail brushes mine in the middle of the night, all hell breaks loose. I make him wear socks in bed. :oops::oops:


Balloons. Hate 'em - If i see a balloon, I physically cringe, and have to put as much space between me and the balloon as quickly as possible. Comes from when my brother burst a balloon in my face when I was 5, when we were on holiday in the caravan in Killin. My dad took me up to the site shop and bought me a sunhat to calm me down, with a big yellow sunflower on it, and sang 'Where did you get that hat' to me to make me laugh, so as a consequence, sunhats, sunflowers and that song give me the shivers too. :roll:

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Balloons get to me too.


Don't you just hate it when at a family party or similar, an eager faced tot brings you a balloon full of saliva and asks you to blow it up for them? :shock:


I'm heaving as I type this. :vom:


Isn't it interesting how so many of us have the same hates. Are they common only to Omleteers or are they a reflection of the whole of society.


We need to draw up a leader board.

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I have a geunine full-blown case of arachnaphobia, which makes life on a farm quite lively.

But my stange phobia is large life-like stautes.........I am going hot and cold typing this..........I once had to be carted out of the Plaster Courts in the British Museum cos the David had me quaking on the floor :oops:

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