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Aunty e

More kittens on the way...

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Two girls, Viola and Portia. They are both going to friends of ours in a few weeks, but we're keeping them with mum for a good while yet as they've been slow to put weight on. Cleo was actually extremely poorly the week after they were born (probably explains the no photos thinking about it) as she retained another stillborn kitten, which only emerged a week later. Luckily Evie was happy to let Cleo's kittens in for a feed while cleo got better, and Cleo has been returning the favour. I'm never sure how I feel about cross-feeding in humans, but it certainly worked a treat for our kittens!

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Isn't the collective noun a 'clowder' of cats? I think scatter suits them better!.


Another collective noun for cats is a pounce - which I love!! I've definitely got a pounce of cats :lol: Well it is at 3am when they start bouncing around on the flipping bed :shock:


What lovely puss cats on your pics. I bet you can't bear to let them go :(

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