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Fred, that's awful. It's bad enough at any time of the year, but somehow it seems worse at this time. At least no-one was in the house when they broke in, so you and your family are safe.


Someone tried to steal chookiehubbies motorbike last Christmas Eve, couldn't move it because it was chained, and had an immobilisor, so took all the bits they could, (mirrors etc) then took a breeze block to it instead. :evil:

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Fred that's awful. Sadly at this time of year the thieves get more and more bold as they know everyones out shopping and the houses are full of presents. Terrible that they caused a mess though, I hope you and your faily are OK. Is there anything you need to replace before Christmas or can it all wait till after?

I don't know what else to say, burglars, particularly those that make a huge mess are beneath contempt in my book. Hopefully they will reap what they sow.


Mrs Bertie

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So sorry to hear about this Fred. It's an awful thing to happen to anyone.

It just makes me SO ANGRY that someone thinks it's OK to take someone elses stuff instead working for it themselves. If I can't afford something, I'd prefer to to save for it or not have it at all rather than live with the shame of stealing someone elses. If I ever found out that anyone I knew had stolen, I wouldn't hesitate to shop them. My sister was burgled once & whilst most things could be replaced, they took our late mothers' jewellery which was heartbreaking. The saddest thing was feeling that a stranger had been through all her things.


Hope the police catch them & maybe they might 'fall over' in the cells! :twisted::twisted:



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Sorry to hear about this Fred. This happened to me at Christmas once - got back from the inlaws to find a big knife in the middle of the living room floor, all my musical instruments stolen etc. They were probably really annoyed actually because I didn't have a telly/ video etc. You do get over the feeling of violation eventually but I know how you feel :(

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