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crazy chicken person. . .

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I was at a company christmas party with some executives and someone casually asked about my chickens. It was the liveliest conversation all night. . .


I never advertised at work that I had chickens in town as I thought people at work would think I had lost it. . .and some of them may still, but there was more of a genuine interest.


I saw that Chicago is voting to try to outlaw chickens in town!!! They delayed the vote so maybe they are getting too much pushback on it. . .I would hate to see that! I think I read that some people have roosters there currently. In my town Roosters are outlawed and that makes sense because of neighbors and noise. . .but a few hens are delightful and much less noise and mess than most peoples dogs. . .


Anyway. . .

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I never advertised at work that I had chickens in town as I thought people at work would think I had lost it. . .and some of them may still, but there was more of a genuine interest.


I told nearly everybody at my work (I think they DO think I've lost it :oops: ) but most people are, I agree, genuinely interested. People tend not to know a thing about chickens (myself included, until recently :D ).


I saw that Chicago is voting to try to outlaw chickens in town!!!


Makes me think of chickens with little bandanas and holsters rampaging the streets terrorising people :lol::lol: . Seriously though, why on earth would they think chickens need to be outlawed :shock: - roosters, yes (sorry boys) but hens? :? .

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whenever we meet people or go out of an evening we always end up talking about chickens




It is surprising how many people say they want to do it but just lack the courage.


We had hubby's grans funeral a couple of weeks ago, even afterwards at the buffet the conversation was chicken related, it was quite sweet really as it brought a smile/laugh on everyone's face on a sad day. :)

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Even though chickens are everywhere, and a lot of us have experiences with them as children. . .suddenly when you have them in your back yard as pets, they become some type of "exotic" bird. . .


So I think people at first think it's very odd but then they can't stop asking questions. . .


One of the big ones is. . ."hens can lay eggs without a rooster???" They just don't get that one. ;-)

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Not as uibelievable as one of our friends who thought birds had sex through their beaks!!!!


she needs to get out more, or at least watch David Attenborough now and again! :shock:

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It's amazing how often chickens take over the conversation. We had a lunchtime drinks party yesterday and once guests spotted the chickens through the window in the garden, they each insisted on being taken out to see them.

Didn't seem to mind having to walk through the usual guano on the patio and never stopped asking all the usual chicken questions. They were all fascinated!

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One of the big ones is. . ."hens can lay eggs without a rooster???" They just don't get that one. ;-)


I work with GPs & until one of them had hens of his own he thuogh that you needed a rooster to get eggs too, even the smart folks get tit wrong



Unbelievable isn't it?


So your education system is every bit as good as ours? :lol:

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I keep a few Omlet brochures in my Crew bag for work! :oops::oops:


The crew I fly with always ask how the 'girls' are! I fly with so many different crew, they never remember my name, but always remember that I have chickens :oops:

Its not like I talk about them all the time or anything! :liar:


"oh, I remember, you're that Chicken Bloke, aren't you"!!!




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