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A lesson in how to bring up your sons!

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Oh, yikes, I guess this is where I don't post my pic of a teenage son in bed at midday in an extremely untidy bedroom (see the "worst rooms thread") :shock::lol::lol::lol:


Great photo Egluntine and I'm entirely in favour of bringing up boys to look after themselves every bit as much as the girls. In fairness when my lad gets out of bed (and he's up every morning to do a paper round............he just goes back to bed if he's not got a school bus to catch :roll: ) he's a great cook, and can wash and iron. I'm still trying to introduce him to the mysteries of the vacuum cleaning and washing up liquid :shock: . I think he cooks 'cos he likes to eat and he does the laundry so that he can wear his favourite outfits when he goes out.............if it doesn't affect him he doesn't do it :roll::x

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Last year we had a Christmas party and as i was up to my armpits in preparing party nibbles etc, OH asked if he could help. I said 'could you clean the downstairs toilet'?

'ok' he said and ran off to do it.


He returned 2 minutes later and said 'how exactly do I do that'?? :roll::roll::roll:


We have lived together for 3 1/2 years!!! :roll::roll:


Just goes to show.........I have since taught him! He gets a gold star on the fridge, every time he does it. :wink:

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Oooh Christian can you come round and teach me?


I can't iron for toffee - used to get hubby to do it, then I got a cleaner who would iron too and now Mum does it. I also don't have a washing machine as the plumbing for that is in Mum's kitchen so she does the washing and the ironing.


I can cook and clean, but I don't clean often and I am in charge of mowing the lawn (which is a doddle at this time of year :D ). I also have limited handyman skills although Mums are more limited so I do other jobs oh and I've been the one to look after the garden which is 1/2 an acre since we moved in so she doesn't get too bad a deal.

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Heck, I'm impressed! I bung everything in the tumble dryer, hang it up and hope for the best....if it needs doing after that I'll do it when we need it :lol:


OH is domesticated, he's a great cook and will do the washing, but he has a high tolerance level to mess which I can't deal with, so I do most of the other housework!

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Well done! My eldest (15) sorts his laundry out when he gets back from school at the weekend, not just bunging it in the washing machine but what you can/cant tumble dry and what you have to separate. Youngest loves to cook, makes the best scambled eggs ever and is a dab hand at canapes! I've always found 'helpless' men deeply unattractive.

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Well I tried taking a leaf out of your book and set ds1 (aged4) to vacuuming. I made sure it was nice and lightweight for him to manage. He sat down after 5 minutes claiming to be hexorsted (exhausted). Wonder if it'll go in that when he and his brother spread cornflakes everywhere its me who always has to clear up and I get hexorsted too.

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I don't do ironing EVER, & only have an emergency travel iron which is mainly used to stick on badges etc :roll:

That said,my girls hoover,clean the bathroom,help clean the hens & keep their rooms really tiday,which I insist upon.

We give them basic pocket money & they can top it up by doing household chores..

Cleo is also an amazing cook with a real 'feel' for food, & often makes us one of her special pastas for supper.


Egluntine,I have 2 lovely daughters who will be looking for nice,domesticated boys like yours soon........................


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My 16 year old is domesticated as well Cinnamon! :wink: He's capable of doing full baskets of ironing, can cook, hoover, tidy and polish and empty the dishwasher (thats one of the benefits of home education :wink: )


I think my mother had OCD - It was my 'chore' to hoover every day as a child, including under the furniture! She not only ironed, she ironed socks, knickers and towels; polished every day and had a weekly rota for cleaning skirting boards, windows etc etc. As an adult I've completely rebelled - now I do it once a year whether it needs it or not :wink: On the other hand my brother has inherited the OCD. Whenever he comes to visit me my kitchen starts to smell of bleach :roll:


Well done Egluntine, I know mine can do it, but actually getting him to do it is another matter entirely! :lol:

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I don't do ironing EVER, & only have an emergency travel iron which is mainly used to stick on badges etc :roll:

That said,my girls hoover,clean the bathroom,help clean the hens & keep their rooms really tiday,which I insist upon.

We give them basic pocket money & they can top it up by doing household chores..

Cleo is also an amazing cook with a real 'feel' for food, & often makes us one of her special pastas for supper.


Egluntine,I have 2 lovely daughters who will be looking for nice,domesticated boys like yours soon........................



They would be better off competing for the older one. The younger one (in the photo) is a bit of a scamp. :lol::lol:

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Ahhh, I like rascally boys Egluntine :lol:


Both my mother and my sister hate domestic stuff - my sister doesn't cook or clean and doesn't even know how to work her oven - that enormous kitchen is wasted on her. My aunt and I inherited the Italian domestic genes and do all the cooking, washing, cleaning, ironing, plumbing, basic electrics, gardening, chop wood, basic mechanics and clean out the animals... I love all of it and could easily do it full time.


Rosie is learning and at 9, going on 10 can cook a basic meal with me watching for safety, make tea, clean (not that she does) and hoover.


Luckily for Phil, he lives in his own house.. he is a superb cleaner and washer up, and does beautiful DIY, but he is a hopeless cook :roll: He is well aware that if he wasnts to be in my place, gracing the sofa with his prone torso, then he is expected to contribute... and he does.

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