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Clash City Rocker

Rain Anyone

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Been a lovely bright sunny day here in London. Had a wander round and to my delight all the bluebells, crocuses and daffodil bulbs are starting to peep up, and....the chickens aren't eating them :) The area which used to be a lawn has dried out a bit and is now just squooshy mud rather than dangerous slippy mud - I slipped over last night after locking the chooks up :evil:



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I went to look at the river this evening - it's flooded again and is in the back doors of the sports centre. They are managing to stay open with the help of sandbags and some closed areas. The car parks at that end of town are evacuated and they expect the flood waters to peak tonight.


I am so glad that we live at the other (higher) end of town.

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We were watching the Grand Designs programme too and we kept saying you think that you have problems now, the floods are coming. Then it skipped to September as though nothing had happened :shock:


There was flooding fairly close by to where that house is, I am not sure that I would be happy living underground in this area, I wonder how they ar finding their first winter?


We are lucky we live on the brow of a hill but we are on heavy clay so the bottom of our garden really puddles when it rains but then i think it must go under the back wall out onto the road.

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The weather forecast for the next few days is dire.


I have just come in from cleaning the eglu which involved a face full of wood shavings with unmentionable contents and chasing flying newspaper sheets in the drizzle, but I felt that it had to be done because there may be little chance in the next couple of days.


I also had to put most of my stored pumpkins and butternut squashes in the compost because they have gone soft with all the cold then warm damp weather the condensation has done them no good at all :(

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