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Bring em on!

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Hi everyone,


I've been driving my wife mad about getting chickens the last few weeks.

Well this morning she phoned on her way to work and said even Radio One is talking about eglu's. So in a fit of chicken overload, she gave me the green light, and I've just ordered my eglu and chickens.


I was going to hang on and get a Cube, but decided to go for the eglu. Alson ordered chickens from Omlet (2 Miss Pepperpots, and a Gingernut Ranger).


There are some good threads here regarding other essentaials required.

So I've also ordered Garlic, Chicken Spice, Diatomaceous Earth, Mite Powder, and some Organic Feed. Just need to find some Flubenvet.


Anyway deliver isn't for a few weeks yet but we're all excited and thinking of names already.



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don't forget your bedding/run material, we use aubiose. Look up an animal/agricultural feed merchant near you and you should be able to get your aubiose and flubenvet there.

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Thanks for your comments.


I've wanted to get chickens for a long time, but my wife wasn't keen on the idea. She didn't want the smell or mess, but now she's come round to the idea. The kids are also excited as we've never had any pets of our own.


I originally wanted a pig as we have enough room and a sty, but this was out of the question, so chickens are a fair compromise.


Must admit that this site has been really helpful, very informative, and general sense enthusiasm about all aspects of chickens. The funky eglus gives keeping chickens a different outlook.


Aubiose has been hadded to the list, thanks.

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Hi Stewart


This forum is great for help and advice. Everyone is so friendly and helpful.


Nice to see someone else near me. Bet you can't wait for your girls to arrive. It will be great because you will have all of the spring and summer months with them. Its gets really addictive. :D

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Before you rush and buy flubenvet or whatever the worming stuff's called I remember reading on here that the diatomaceous earth powder acts as a wormer if added to the feed... best to check and I think it's a preventative whereas the flubenvet is a treatment I think but I would think if you add that to the feed from the start it should stop them getting worms and you wont need the other stuff.

Maybe totally wrong, I'm sure someone with more knowledge can confirm or correct me on this!

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Great news Stewart!


How about enrolling on one of our chicken keeping courses? I have places on mine on 20th April and i;m not too far from you. Go to the Omlet homepage and click on courses. I will also be running advanced courses from March.


You're right about the diatom arowland - it's more of a preventative - I still use a vet prescribed wormer 3-4 times a year.

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We find chickens easier to look after than rabbits & guinea pigs!!!! They don't smell, if you change their bedding & chuck any mess out of the poo tray regularly. The mite powder smells good too, it's like talc for chickens!!! :lol: If you have a paper shredder, the shreds are handy to use in the nesting box.

I would keep your eyes peeled for a clear cheap shower curtain to peg over the run - whilst the weather is so unpredictable at the moment. We put a childs gazebo over ours in the summer, but it's too windy to have up at the moment.

Maintenence of the eglu is so easy - half an hour to take apart, wash thoroughly ~& put back together all shiny & new again. I would invest or make a spare pair of roosting bars - so handy!

Tub trugs are good for carrying about your aubiose / straw - ~7 for scrubbing roosting bars in....or use a jetwash!

Tins of sweetcorn!!! I get mine from Lidl, as they have handy ring pull tops - easier for my chicken sitter.

a small rake, for raking over the aubiose in the run

a cat litter tray & some play sand / dusty soil for a dustbath.

The above are only suggestions!

2 miss pepperpots - you will be so entertained. I love Blanche my pepperpot - she is cheeky, but so loveable & friendly. She loves a cuddle & neck tickle. I also love Audrey my gingernut - she talks to you & makes a trumpeting noise & follows me everywhere. They like to sneak in the house.

I also have some other chickens, but they are not as daft & soppy as the Omlet ones. You've made a good choice...Congratulations! A year on, you will be wanting more chooks!!!!


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Well Done Stewart, you wont regret it.


I bet in 2 months time your wife will be cuddling and loving them as much as you will!! :)


You sound like me, I really love pigs and would love some. but I had to stick with chickens until we get some land (you never know -one day :wink: )


Enjoy your chooks and we'd love some photos when they come. :D

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