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Triple Yolker!

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I know this should probably be in the Eggs section..... but this egg deserves a wider audience! :shock:


Our table birds are laying and when they start, they often lay double-yolkers..... but this was the egg I cooked for Carl's breakfast..........



It was going to be poached but I thought it might be easier to fry!


I had to make do with a double-yolker :(:wink:

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It was an eye wateringly big egg :shock: - I should have weighed it.


I'm afraid that the egg was laid about a week ago (hence the runny white in the frying pan) and the hen that laid it has has slightly more than a pat on the back since then :( She did get mealworms and sweetcorn first though :)


The double yolker I had weighed 110g

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It was one of the Ross/Cobbs that laid it.


We despatched 5 of the 9 shortly afterwards........ and we seem to have managed to despatch the ones which were laying :roll:


We find it so difficult to despatch the chooks at the best of times....... but once they've started laying...... :(

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