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Guest Poet

To Bea or not to Bea :0) exciting news!!!

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You may have heard me mention Adele's (from the BHWT in Haslingden) disabled hen, little Bea? Bea has problems with her legs and can't walk, she just hops about bless her She has a problem similar to arthritis but is a real plucky little thing, anyway...


Adele has asked if we can give her a home and after a heartfelt discussion, DH and I jumped at the chance as we have the time and space to take any introductions very slowly indeed. Even if Bea can never fully mix with the other girls, she can live side by side with them and have a bit of company and someone to talk to other than Adele's donkeys :wink:


So, those of you going to Adele's in March won't get to meet Bea after all as she'll be here with us by then! :D

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Ahh, she sounds really special and Im sure that she will blossom in your care. You are going to end up with LOTS of hens, I can see it comming. You are officaily addicted.

"Hi, Im Poet, I am a chickenaholic!!" :lol:

I hope your other half has got his wood and saw at the ready for all the run extensions he will have to construct.

Cant wait to see her picture and hear how she gets on.

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Brilliant. All the very best to you and Bea and I'm sure you will both have a really good time.


My Arrietty is special; when we got her, at 7 weeks, she couldn't walk and the breeder was going to put her down. I said I would take her, my wife wasn't too keen, but I said that at least I'd give her a chance and if she had to be put down, well I would do that if necessary.


Arrietty is now 9 months old, she hops like Zebedee - she can't walk too well becos she stumbles and drags a leg. If she walks its with big deliberate ploddy strides, but if she wants to really get about she just leaps with her good leg which results in random bounces roughly in the direction she want to go.


Arrietty lays and mixes with all the others - she is my favourite and when I watch her I keep thinking of the phone call from the breeder when she said I could have the Blue Orp for free if I would collect, otherwise she was going to bump her off.


I'm as soppy as the rest of you really :lol:

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Oh that's lovely Poet..............I'm sitting here with tears rolling down my face. She'll have such a lovely home and a lovely mummy and daddy :D:D:D


It reminds me so much of my Annie, an ex batt who came to me last year,with lots of problems, who let me care for her for the few months of life she had left in her. She touched my heart and life in a way i never thought possible. The Special ones always do. They've been through so much....................


I'm so happy for you

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we can't wait and are busily looking for a small coop on the net but I think DH is going to have build something for her, he's going to be busy!


Richard, how wonderful that you gave Arietty a chance! She sounds very much like Bea, I've seen Bea move about (we saw her when we went to get our girls), she sort of lopes/hops a bit then flops down. This is what Adele said about her condition:


"She has a common problem in that her joints don’t bend very well and one leg joint and foot are swollen (a bit like arthritis). The vet says there is no treatment but I did not want to euthanase her as she does seem to have a quality of life. She is very friendly and chatty and can hop about but mostly likes to sit and watch the world go by."


You just know I'm going to spoil her rotten! ;)

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It reminds me so much of my Annie, an ex batt who came to me last year,with lots of problems, who let me care for her for the few months of life she had left in her. She touched my heart and life in a way i never thought possible. The Special ones always do. They've been through so much....................


I'm so happy for you


oh Pam, I'm trying to prove to DH that I can cope with a disabled hen (he thinks I'm too much of a cry baby!) and when I read Adele's mail, I was welling up but trying not to cry, to prove to hubbie that I could cope with looking after Bea. Now there YOU go, making me nose go all tingly again! ;)



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It reminds me so much of my Annie, an ex batt who came to me last year,with lots of problems, who let me care for her for the few months of life she had left in her. She touched my heart and life in a way i never thought possible. The Special ones always do. They've been through so much....................


I'm so happy for you


oh Pam, I'm trying to prove to DH that I can cope with a disabled hen (he thinks I'm too much of a cry baby!) and when I read Adele's mail, I was welling up but trying not to cry, to prove to hubbie that I could cope with looking after Bea. Now there YOU go, making me nose go all tingly again! ;)




You'll be fine Poet - although Annie caused many tears this was far outweighed by the joy, smiles and happiness she bought to our lives. Seeing her enjoy sunshine and mealworms and the joy of snoozing on a lap was worth it



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