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Am in agony!

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I thought I just had a spot of conjuctivitis...so I stopped wearing my contact lenses on Thur of last week.


I thought it would settle of it's own accord and it didn't seem so bad at the weekend, but last night and this morning it was awful.


Had to go into town today in connection with work, and I called in at the opticians on the way home.


I have got a corneal abrasion and a tiny ulcer inside my eyelid. :?


No wonder it is so bloomin' sore.


He reckons I must have got had a tiny tear in my lens which has wreaked havoc.


Have got anti-biotic drops and an appointment for next week.


I hate being seen in public with my specs.



Still....it could be worse.

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Hard lenses Anne? I scratched my eye before Christmas (twig) so sore. Just started to wear moist 'soft' lenses as have an eye condition that they also diagnosed that makes my eyes dry and red. These are quite comfortable but I have to massage my eye lids with warm water daily :shock:


Hope you feel less sore soon and your eyes sparkle again :D


BBx :D

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Ouch - as a former contact lens wearer, I totally sympathise!


I've given up on mine - my eyes have reached the stage (presbyopia) where I need reading glasses as well as contacts. Either I spend a fortune on bifocal lenses, or I go back to glasses...

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Ouch - as a former contact lens wearer, I totally sympathise!


I've given up on mine - my eyes have reached the stage (presbyopia) where I need reading glasses as well as contacts. Either I spend a fortune on bifocal lenses, or I go back to glasses...


usually I get on very well with them


I have the mono thingies...one for distance and one for reading. Works well ...as a rule.

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Sorry to hear about your eye problems, eye irritation is horrible. I've given up on my lenses - my left one was a toric lens and it was a hit or a miss whether I'd get through the day without some kind of irritation :( .


I've left you a piece of the lovely cake you made me - that should make you feel better (left you the chicken legs, couldn't bring myself to eat them :lol: ).

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