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Am in agony!

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I hate being seen in public with my specs.



Still....it could be worse.


conjunctivitis is awfully painful i have had it a couple of times, but i love my spex. i work in the optics business and ther are lots of lenses on the market that are so much thinner and lighter than they used to be. im sure your optician has told you but if you wear contact lenses you really should have a pair of spex with your current presciption in them (i am not implying that you dont by the way) for this very reason. when you are next ready to purchase some new spex ask you dispencing optician about high index lenses, the higher the better. there are lots of styles available and a good optician will make sure you get a trendy pair os spex that are right for you.

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I thought I just had a spot of conjuctivitis...so I stopped wearing my contact lenses on Thur of last week.


I thought it would settle of it's own accord and it didn't seem so bad at the weekend, but last night and this morning it was awful.


Had to go into town today in connection with work, and I called in at the opticians on the way home.


I have got a corneal abrasion and a tiny ulcer inside my eyelid. :?


No wonder it is so bloomin' sore.


He reckons I must have got had a tiny tear in my lens which has wreaked havoc.


Have got anti-biotic drops and an appointment for next week.


I hate being seen in public with my specs.



Still....it could be worse.


Goodness me, that sounds so painful. Wear your glasses. Much safer!

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Phil has high index lenses Laura - he has quyite a strong prescription, but needs very clear sight becaus ehe works as an illustrator. I understand that he's what opticians call a 'critical observer' in that he can see the tiniest spec (pain in the bum more like :roll::wink: )


He sometimes wears disposable lenses when we go out at night, because it can be a pain walking into a warm restaurant or bar and having his specs steam up.


How are the mince pies tonight Egluntine?

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Hope you are feeling better soon. Anything to do with eyes is horrible.


I wear daily disposable lenses and a bit broke off one of them in my eye once - no idea how I managed that! Had to go to the hospital as I couldn't find it - very embarrassing! :oops:

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Ow, sorry to hear about your eye. Hope it clears up soon.


A friend hated being seen with her specs on, she gave herself all sorts of problems wearing her contacts when she shouldn't. Now she's got a lovely trendy pair of red or dead specs and you never see her without them!!

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Mine are red, very trendy, Osiris, varifocals.


I got them just before Christmas....I Just prefer contacts......I can't be doing with the steaming up of the lenses.....plus I have discovered that you can chop mountains of onions with contacts in, and not shed a tear!

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ouch, big sympathy! I used to be like you - hated glasses - but I've just got so fed up with fiddling with lenses, and the vision never seems to be as good as with my specs.


Like Anne, I'm reaching the stage where I can't read small print - I might try the mono thing with lenses, I am dreading the thought of bifocals. Nothing wrong with them I'm sure but it just makes me feel old!


Hope the eyes are less painful, just imagine you are Celia Johnson in Brief Encounter, with a handsome doctor leaning over you to get the smut out ... (no pun unintended!) :wink:

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I damaged my eye with a tape measure about fifteen years ago, luckily it was on what the doctor described as the not so imprtant bit! i.e. the white of the eye rather than the yolk :D


I had some chemical stitches to glue the offending flap back down. I remember thinking at the time that it is either superglue they are using or they are just telling porkies to make me feel better.


It took about three months before I could blink without the feeling of having my eyelid stapled to my eye and about three years for it to return to normal. You really really don't realise how much you blink until it is extremely painful to do so!


I now wear contact lenses (I never thought I could even attempt them) and safety glasses for the most mundane of tasks including tape measures!


I hope it settles down soon, Hugs

(I'll keep my eye out for you!)

sorry :oops:



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luckily it was on.........the white of the eye rather than the yolk :D
:lol: :lol: :lol:




(I'll keep my eye out for you!)

sorry :oops:



I had a corneal abrasion years ago when someone accidentally flicked me in the eye with the corner of a tea-towel they were folding.



The pain of that was absolutely indescribable.....in fact I was admitted overnight to the Eye Hospital in Manchester and given pethidine or morphine or somesuch.


That is why I didn't realise that I had another......although it is pretty damn painful, it comes nowhere near close to the last one.


A matter of scale I suppose........this one was described as "tiny".


It is feeling a little better this am.

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Good news, sounds like it's healing then. When my old flatmate had her eyes lasered for shortsightedness she wanted the throw herself out of the window with the pain for a day while the surface of the eye grew back. She got some super-duper-turbo-nutter-painkillers when she had the second eye done!

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Good news, sounds like it's healing then. When my old flatmate had her eyes lasered for shortsightedness she wanted the throw herself out of the window with the pain for a day while the surface of the eye grew back. She got some super-duper-turbo-nutter-painkillers when she had the second eye done!


That is worth knowing! They make it all look so easy on the ads!



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I've had this several times Egluntine, it's very painful isn't it :(


I was told - (eventually) that the ulcers are a form of Herpes - like the ones people get on their lips - so its likely you will get the problem again.


I very rarely wear contacts now - but still find glasses annoying - its the steaming up / having to wipe them when its raining that irritates me :x



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