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Please give us a break...........

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We've had enough now - stress that is.


Hope "Ooops, word censored!"ody minds me posting this, but everyone is so nice and welcoming on here and I really need to get some of it off of my chest.


I'll try to be as brief as possible but it mainly started at the beginning of August '07. My husband was suddenly made redundant without warning, then he had another motorbike crash in which he aggravated a previously broken collar bone and is still in pain. Then to our horror our beautiful labrador x Kate was diagnosed with cancer and we lost her in January - she was only 6 :cry: The same week my mother in law was rushed into hospital - she was diagnosed with lung cancer and we were told probably only had months left - then at the end of last week she was sent home and we have been told she only has weeks :cry: We somehow have to break the news to our 2 youngest children aged 9 and 10 - have already told the other two, 14 and 17. This morning my eldest son was getting ready to leave for school and we discovered that his motorbike had been stolen - right from our driveway during the night :evil: and I had a dentist checkup this morning and found out that I need another £200 of work done :x


The strange thing is, you know what they say about not counting your chickens - well, just a month before all this started we hosted a huge family party at a local hotel not just to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary but also the fact that we are still together after having a very challenging time - our third child aged 10, has autism - may be we just jumped the gun a bit.


Sorry to go on but I have found this quite therapeutic :wink: Thank You, Lisa

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Oh mate, what a nightmare. It seems to me reading "nesting box" that this has been a bit of a hellish time for a lot of people. We've been having a rubbish time too. I think we should all have a virtual bottle of wine (not a glass, a bottle) some virtual chocolate, and a big group hug.

Good luck to you breaking the news to your youngest two, especially your 10yr old lad. Hope your OH's shoulder sorts itself out soon, and that your eldests motorbike turns up (had one stolen when I was 20something and it turned up abaout a mile away, fine but with no petrol and no ignition, had to start it with a screwdriver after that :roll: )


Lots of love to you all


Mrs B

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Its great to have a place like this isn't it? I just know you will get lots of lovely messages now to help you through this terrible time.


Sending some virtual (((((((hugs))))))))))) your way - I don't know if they will help but just wanted you to know that we will all be thinking of you and hoping for better times ahead for you.

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Yoiu obviously have a strong family bond and that's definitely something to celebrate. Sending you some positive vibes in the hopes some good luck is coming your way.



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Oh no, what a time you're having, I'm sorry to read of all your troubles. It's good to get things off your chest, even if it only gives you some breathing space for 5 minutes. Hope it has cleared your head a little and you can begin to face the day again.



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((((hugs)))) from me too.


Your family sound strong and hopefully better times are around the corner.

Telling the children about their gran will be hard but it is better that they know and get a chance to say goodbye, in my experience this helps them to deal with the situation.


Better luck in the future to you all

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Just wanted to say I hope things get better very soon, sure sounds like it's all a bit much recently... I'm really sorry to hear about your MIL, my OH's mum is also in hospital at the moment being treated for cancer, though docs are not exactly sure quite how bad it is yet... our children know their grandma is quite ill, but don't quite know how bad it might be...

Never regret a celebration, no matter what goes wrong now or in the future, all the happy things of the past are still there and well worth celebrating, being together for 20 years is a wonderful thing... I hope you soon get back to having more happy times to celebrate, and in the meantime hang on in there, and come back to the forum anytime you need to let things off, there are always kind people here ready to respond...

Lots of hugs.

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Oh Lisa, you are having a dreadful time.

I hope it helps to have at least 'virtually' got it off your chest.

You obviously have a strong & close family to have been celebrating 20 years - that'll be something good to think of when things get tough.


If ever you want to take an hour out from all the cr*p & have cup of tea & talk chickens, I'm only down the road. PM me if you like.



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You can use us to sound off at anytime, Lisa. I've always found Omleteers are such a lovely, supportive bunch - always ready to lend an ear and give helpful advice.


Hope things pick up for you soon. You really are having a tough time at the moment. *HUGS*

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It must be the time of year - everyone seems to have something horrible going on at the mo. You really sound like you have had an awful run of bad luck. Keep coming on here - it always lifts my spirits when I'm feeling down.


Omlet Hugs 3some.gif


ooh that looks a bit weird now I've looked at it closely. It's meant to be a group hug :oops::lol::lol:

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ooh that looks a bit weird now I've looked at it closely. It's meant to be a group hug :oops::lol::lol:


:lol::lol::lol: that's the first time I've laughed all day, thank you! xxx

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actually I lied, I went a bit weird today when I got the news about my dad. We were in Sainsburys homebase with one of those loading trolleys so I decided to sit on it and get Ian to whizz me round the store on it :oops: I just felt like going a bit mental for a moment, I needed to laugh, do you know what I mean? hope I can hold it together! I worry I may do other weird things, perhaps now is not the best time to buy a camper van! :oops::lol:


right, I think I should go to bed right now before I embarrass myself even more!


hugs to all



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Thats a real run of bad luck for you and your family. I hope you have better times ahead of you in the not too distant future. Telling your children will be hard, but it will also make them stronger in the long run as they will have learnt how precious life can be.


Hugs to you and all your family.



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