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Guest Poet

update on dad- up and down

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This is such a lovely forum. Everyone is terribly kind to each other. Please let it stay like it. It's like entering a parallel world where nice people go.

I'm so glad yr Dad has perked up a bit; it's such a hard time for you all, when a parent is ill. No-one is ever "ready" for the role reversal.

hugs from here too.xx

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Everyone's right you know, yours and ANH's posts are the first ones i read as i want to know that things are on the way up. My family's fingers are always crossed for you :wink:


Freddie, you're quite right, this forum is fantastic. It feels like we all have known each other for years, even if you are a relative newbie. I don't know how i'd manage without it.


Big hugs to everybody

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Sorry Poet. Like I said to ANH on her thread, I've been away for a few days so only just catching up. Your poor Dad! I do hope he improves soon. It must be so horrible for you and your family. My thoughts are with you all. Hang in there!


Ongoing *hugs*

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sorry i haven't updated you, things have been so up and down the last few days i don't know where my head is at. Thank you so much to people who have sent me PMs, messages on facebook and e-mails, it's so kind of you to be thinking of us at this time and I apologise to anyone i haven't replied to so far.


Had a very emotional day today, dad's been up and down, one minute we think he's totally fine, then he's not. He had a brain scan to see if he'd had a stroke as he's not waking up as much as they think he should be but that came back negative. He was given some blood today too to "top him up"!? He winked at me tonight and smiled which opened the flood gates and I couldn't stop crying for ages (tears of happiness) but i think that's been a long time coming. I've tried not to cry for mum's sake but that just set the waterworks off and now I can't stop, I look a total fright!


Just off for some tea (or maybe something stroinger!) and sympathy ;)




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and a biscuit..............or three? ;)


he is very strong Sheila, my dad is my hero and i don't care how corny that sounds! :D

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thank you, it was lovely to see your messages today as I've been feeling a bit down.


Dad wasn't too good last night, very agitated so they gave him a light sedative. Unfortunately I had a bit of a funny turn which is the last thing everyone needs! I have a heart problem which is relatively well controlled by drugs but with all the dashing about, stress and upset lately, it caught up with me and I almost blacked out but managed to remain conscious by shear willpower and I had some pills with me which I took which worked quite qucikly. Ian came and took us all home. I feel terrible about adding to mum's problems but my body lets me down sometimes.


I'm okay today, had a nice lie in and sis is taking mum today so I can take it easier. Just been sitting in the conservatory with a cuppa, watching the girls and the wild birds. Saw a group of sparrows playing in the garden. I live in a town so sparrows are quite a rare sight these days. They're so funny, in and out of every bush! That cheered me up no end to see them playing in my garden. We put wild bird seed out for our garden visitors and we have a few regulars; collared doves, robins, blackbirds (who are now bringing their babies with them), wood pigeons, great tits, blue tits and even a little wren.


I phoned mum and she said they've moved him to HDU (high dependency) as ICU is really only for people with multiple organ failure. Dad's problem at the moment is waking up properly. They don't seem to think there's anything neurologically wrong with him so they're trying to work out why he won't wake up fully.


Ian downloaded some Miles Davis and a few BBC jazz podcasts onto my ipod for dad to listen to, it might help to bring him round, he loves his Jazz :D So, we'll see if that helps.


Going for a nice soak now. If I don't post for a few days, please don't worry, I just have a lot to catch up with and feel like a bit of a break from the forum so take care and thank you so much for your good wishes.


Hope you have a lovely weekend.



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