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Yippeeee!!! I've got an allotment!!!

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Wonderful news Snowy!!


Have you been waiting long?


Our plasterer is the local councillor and was over the other day quoting for damp in the utility room :roll: Anyway, I asked him about allotments as there aren't any locally. He said they are trying to find land locally and would put my name down for one!!!! :D

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Yay Snowy! Good news! If digging commences in May..what will you grow?

Will it be a case of clearing the plots. making fences, paths, things like that, or will it all be done so you can plant straight away?


Do you know, I really haven't a clue! :lol: I was too excited to ask. I did remember to ask if I could have chickens on, but we can't (at least not yet :wink: ) Although I may be tempted to take a couple with me when I go down to help me dig :lol: I am hoping that, as they are new, the whole plot will be rotorvated to give us a head start, it's just rough field at the moment :?


OH has been charged with collecting surplus pallets from work for raised beds/borders and cardboard from the skips. I might be able to get some fruit bushes in ready for next year. Oooh, I need to draw up a plan!! 8)

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Great news, Snowy!


May's probably a bit late to be getting summer crops in if you have to clear the ground a bit first, but you probably will have time for some French beans if you sow them ahead of time and then plant them out, and by July it'll be time to plant out autumn/winter greens like broccoli and cabbage.


I'm going to be sowing mine soon, in modules at home - there are lots of slugs on my allotment so direct-sown crops are a bit hit-and-miss :(

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Excellent news Snowy! 8)


You'll have plenty of work to do as it is just rough field at the moment - be careful with rotovating ..... if it is weedy, it will chop weeds into hundreds :?


You could have a trawl on Amazon for books on starting a new allotment - and then buy through Marketplace to keep the cost down, or try Green Metropolis etc.

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The Grow Your Own forum is also very good - nearly as friendly as here (though they don't know much about chickens ;) ):




Books I would recommend:


* The Half-Hour Allotment, by Lia Leendertz - how to get your new allotment off to a good start, and how much of each veg you need to grow in order to get a decent supply. Emphasis is on crops that are easy to grow but expensive to buy in the supermarkets and/or much nicer fresh, rather than self-sufficiency in basics like spuds and onions.


* Organic Gardening the Natural No-Dig Way, by Charles Dowding - down-to-earth introduction to working with the soil and seasons to get great veg with minimal effort - what more could you want?


Not so vital if you have a full-sized plot, but still a useful reference:


* Grow your Own Veg, by Carol Klein - very well laid out, with a nice double-page spread of growing instructions per vegetable type, and lots of tips on growing stuff in a small space

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Just a quick update - as you know, up to now my 'allotment' was nothing but a field with 20 allotmenteers waiting impatiently for the council to pull their finger out and put a gate into the field so we could start work.


Well today when I went past - Result! There was a big hole in the hedge and a large JCB busily stripping the top layer off and piling it up! :dance:8) We'll be digging sooooon!!! :lol:

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Brilliant news Snowy :D


Let me know if you need a rotovator, OH bought a brand new one only for me to give up the allotment a few months later :roll: Poor thing, he only got to play with it once.


I'll have a root through all my gardening stuff and let you know if there's anything i don't need anymore.

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