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Super dooper Coupercoop construction COMPLETE! with piccies

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I have been busy all day building the new run which will hopefully put all our recent chicken nightmares to bed once and for all. :pray:


No photo's yet as I can't find the camera! :roll: I will post some once it is finished, tomorrow.


The run is 3.5m x 2m and will join onto the end of the cube run. I have also built it so that it can be extended if need be in future (I can't imagine why we would want to do that :wink: )). Most of it will be on bare earth with buried weld mesh to keep out Mr Fox.


I have been quite fortunate in that I managed to aquire all the wood for free! (well two pints and a dozen eggs) from friends and a neighbour who very kindly gave me about ten metres of 4" x 2" :D


I just need to add the roofing sheets and weldmesh and build a door.


I am going to add a lot of chickentertainment, perches, mirrors, Playstation 2 and a mezzanine deck to try and distract Flurry from eating her friends alive. I am also going to add an isolation cell in case she doesn't want to play nice. :twisted:


Once that is finished I will then create their exercise area at the end of the garden so I can get my veggie plot up and running and have a bit of lawn again.


I really hope this solves the feather plucking thing, it would be nice to have fully feathered hens again.



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The new run is finally complete!! :D:D:D


It took a bit longer than expected with work and the weather getting in the way :roll:


Here are some pics of the ladies exploring their new home.















We let them out to free range whilst I connected the Cube run to the new one, and they all charged straight into the new run rather than exploring the garden :D


They now have about 9 sq metres to play in, so we might get a few more in a couple of weeks or so. Horah! :lol:


I Just need to fence of the area at the end behind the greenhouse for their free ranging exploits and then I can get on with planting my veggies :wink:



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Looks great....a very robust construction! :lol:


It can get quite breezy here so I thought I would make it hurricane proof as well as fox proof :lol:


If I had bought the wood I would have opted for something a little more lightweight, but I was given a load of heavy duty wood, shame to waste it :D:D


The girls like it! Hopefully they will behave now.



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