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how much snow have you got??

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Its been snowing here all morning, but its melty and didn't settle too much.


Mum is driving to Southampton and called to say that on the M25 the outside lane was covered in snow! Then she hit a bit that was snowy and foggy. She was calling from Fleet services and said it was better there. Wouldn't want her to miss the boat!

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We've got TONS!! Wait one whilst I load some piccys!! :lol:


here we go, chooks in the snow...




smallest boy in the snow




dog in the snow




woods where I walked Delilah




and finally (in case you're getting bored :lol: )

dog in the snow part 2




Mrs B :lol:


That said it's starting to disappear already but I've had frozen toes, frozen fingers and it made that lovely polestyrene crunch when you walked on it so it was lovely :lol:


Mrs B

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We got some too! I actually woke the kids up so they could play in it before it melted as I could see it wouldn't last long. lol.


The chooks did prefer to keep to the snowless areas.










:evil: Don't understand why my pics keep coming out so tiny... I'm not Photobucket's friend.

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paul really wants a goat, do tell me all about them!!!!


Well a bit like chickens you need more than one, mine are disbudded whethers (de-horned castrated boys) as they are the easiest to care for.....tell you what rahte than hijack, I'll do a goat thread on 'My family and Other Animals'

Rhapsody x

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We had about 3 inches of snow with huge snowflakes coming down for hours but it didn't settle on the pavement or roads around here, just on everything else :? The girls loved pecking it off of the run :) It's nearly all thawed now, bar a few patches in the more sheltered parts of the gardens :(

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We had loads, on and off throughout the day. Only stopped about an hour ago and looking at the sky I don't quite trust it not to return :x , really deep in the garden, children had a great day snowball fighting and sledging in our local woods (and on the adjacent golf course......whoops, I bet the owners were impressed :shock::oops::oops: ). I on the other hand was extremely upset, I had so much to do today that I was battling with garden furniture and Jeyes fluid in the bath instead of on the patio as originally intended. My home now smells like a hospital and looks like a junk shop :shock:

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Oh dear Kate! :lol:


Rhapsody - our Shetland Sheep say your goats are wimps!!! :lol::lol:


We had about 6" of snow - deeper in places. I was out at 7am taking photos and watching Jazz enjoying the snow....... my grandchildren are on holiday, so had to make do with a mad dog :lol: Lauren and Jake are going to be upset as they love snow and are on the flight home - back at 8pm - and all the snow has gone! :roll:

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The gas in the caravan ran out early hours this morning & we thought - Oh 'forget' it until we wake up properly. But it was so cold at 6.30 this morning, that hubby got up in his PJ shorts & t shirt & cayman crocs, opened the caravan door & said oh 'dear'!! & changed the gas bottle. I don't think he was expecting 4 inches of snow & a winter fog/mist over the field! Some children made snowmen - it was lovely.



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This was our garden at 6.30am :shock: The run is buried behind the trellis


The girls refusing to come out of the run :lol:


Finally enjoying looking for the grass


And the garden by 2.30pm - nearly back to normal and the run has reappeared


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Well it's all melted now but we did make these...............




in the front garden of course.........so the neighbours could enjoy :wink::lol::lol:


and there was no chicken poop :wink:


The girls weren't at all sure what to make of all the snow although they did enjoy eating the snow :roll::roll::D

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