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Absolutely beautiful day here

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It's beautiful here too. I have the man from British Gas coming to service the boiler today so I have an excuse to stay at home....in the garden of course! :D


I love sunny Autumn days. The other morning I was up early and went to see to the girls. There were literally hundreds of spider webs everywhere all coated in dew and looking fabulous. Now that is one Autumn sight I would never tire of.

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Wonderfully calm day here too. I am watching a blue tit jumping around outside, the hens are exploring, I don't have to be anywhere today, bliss. There is still a faint haze of mist by the trees and lots of birdsong.


A bit later I'm going to plant some tete a tete daffodil bulbs in my window boxes. :D

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It has gone a bit hazy here too at the moment, but it has been a lovely morning. I let the chickens out at 11.15 a good couple of hours before I normally do, they had all laid except for the lazy freeloader who is pretending to moult by losing her tail feathers and is now eating loads and getting bigger by the day :lol:


It has been great to see the chickens chilling out in the sun and I have sown some spring cabbages and winter salads and herbs and generally pottered about in the sun.


I also cleaned out the Eglu and put in their new plastic roosting bars which came this morning :D Does anyone else have plastic ones that don't quite sit straight and rock in place?

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Feeling very jealous - I didn't see any of the morning as I was stuck in court with a million cases to deal with (ok - slight exaggeration there :liar: ) Now I am home it is fine but looks a bit murky. The kids are I are going out on the golf course later on to help fill out all the divots. I am informed that this can be good fun! I am hoping that it stays fine! :pray:

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