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Waiting for my new nephew!!!

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Hi all.

My brother in law and his girlfriend are having their first child right now.

They went in about 8pm last night when her contractions were around 5 mins apart.

Still waiting...

She was supposed to be induced anyway today but the little mite decided to go 'au naturale'!!!


How long did it take you to have a baby???


I have no idea but know my Mum said I took about 36hours! hehehe And even then they used the plunger to get me out! :>


Update: She has gone down to theatre for a caesarean (sp?) that was around 2oclock!

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Ooh how exciting. I remember waiting very impatiently for my sister to have her 1st child. He took about 28 hours :shock: It was awful waiting.


My daughter took about 6 hours, ES 2 and half hours and YS 4 and a half hours so not too bad. :D Best delivery was YS - I was calm and imagining him getting closer with the contractions as waves bringing him nearer and nearer. It was an idea my friend told me. It worked a treat :D

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Yeah we are excited for them as they had been trying for a while and had a rough pregnancy. They have all ready said though that they won't want anymore, just the one.


Little Miss Webmuppet only took 12 hours to arrrive, she would have been even quicker if I had been allowed to keep moving around. They kept making me sit down, when all I wanted to do was keep walking around!

I think I'd be like that. I get nervous and fidgety just waiting in the GP's waiting room!


Its so strange how some are out in 3-4 hours while others take days to arrive!

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Its so strange how some are out in 3-4 hours while others take days to arrive!


It depends on how many babies you have had - the more you have the quicker they come ( to do with your muscles having been stretched before), also the position that the baby is lying in and its size - some are in such a position that they are unable to be delivered in the 'normal' way.


I was in labour for 36 hours with my daughter and ended up the a caesarian section too, after I'd had her they did an MRI scan and found I had a funny shaped pelvis so would have to have another secion if I'd had any more.

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Crikey me! 34 hours! :shock:

I suppose after waiting nine months its not so bad but wow! :clap:


Little Allen is called Seth.


Not seen him yet as new mummy is still groggy and will no doubt be bombarded today too.

We are going up tomorrow evening hopefully, they say she will be hospital till Sunday. Apparently all was fine until he decided to turn around and go feet first!?! Typical man no sense of direction!


Thank you for all your well wishes, very kind of you all.


Can't wait to meet him now!

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Welcome to the new addition to your family :D and welcome to the wonderful world of being an auntie - all the fun of being around the children and none of the responsibility, I love it!


Don't bank on the "no more" promise. My brother and sister-in-law took 9 years to produce their first and had such a rough time (much hospitalisation) that they promised no more. Can't imagine where the next 3 came from :shock:


According to my mother, she was in labour all of an hour and a half with me, but I was over two weeks overdue. Obviously just didn't offer me enough chocolate :lol:

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