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a query...

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I've just looked at the bottom of the screen - where I rarely go, and it says that there are several people online:


3 Registered, 1 Hidden and 4 Guests


I've not seen that before. What's a hidden person? and why/how would anyone be "hidden"?


(and do you get a prize for finding them? and do I have to count up to 100 before coming - ready or not?)



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Yes, Jools, any member can set their profile to hide their online status. I imagine occasionally a member may have a particular reason to hide their online status, but it's much more friendly if we declare ourselves!!! :D It's part of the fun to see who else is online!

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cue my favourite joke, Dan - read it quick before it's moderated...


(are you still behind the shed?)


Barman: "a women walked into my bar and asked for a double-entendre. So I gave her one."


(arf, arf)



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Yes, Jools, any member can set their profile to hide their online status. I imagine occasionally a member may have a particular reason to hide their online status, but it's much more friendly if we declare ourselves!!! :D It's part of the fun to see who else is online!

I completely agree Jools. I'm not to keen on sharing my cyber space with the invisible man (or woman) :shock:

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:cry::cry::cry: Sorry peeps ... I AM one of the hidden for various reasons.


I agree with all the being seen and heard, but a while back felt really pushed out .... BUT , have been keeping up with everyone, and their antics since as a "hidden" forum member. I have since noticed an announcement re. Spam postings at the top of the nesting box ... so this will explain a little. Please don't be too hard on the Ghosts in the machine ... we are all good, and will never cause devilment on the forum .... we are probably more your fairy god-mothers :wink: .


Maybe it is time for me to not be so shy again ... as my avatar suggests. :wink::D .


SarahJo ... with a green eglu since 2004 and 3 fab chooks 8)

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