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Guest Penguinmad

Painful memories

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I'm watching the Shawshank Redemption. It was our "Breakfast at Tiffany's". The Ex and I saw it on our honeymoon and we both loved it.


Now to try and remember the bad times! Trouble is I'm at the bottom of a glass so only the good times spring to mind. Actually he's probably blotto by now, pubs been open for 11 1/2 hours. Happy days the bad times are back in my mind!


Been having these thoughts on and off the last couple of weeks. My mid life crisis is still swinging a little - 40 in just over 2 weeks now.


Still I have newly waxed eyebrows - the purple streaks are back in my hair and for my party I'm going to wear THAT Karen Millen dress.


Am I allowed to be slightly miffed that most of Dad's family (the ones who now avoid us every Christmas) can't even be bothered to reply to my party invites??? The vicar sent her apologies (wedding that day and service on Sunday - in Sheffield!), also the one I didn't want to turn up sent his "excuse" (Thank god - "Ooops, word censored!"ody in the family has seen him since before my wedding and I did NOT want to watch people fawn over him at MY party!)


Ooooh my post is bitter and twisted.


Any omleteers fancy coming to a 40th in Essex 2 weeks today - there will be lots of cupcakes and some amazing quiches!!!

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I'd love to come Pengy!!! However I think it will have to be a virtual attendance! You will be looking great I am sure. At least you are young enough to join that 18-45 'club' or whatever it was that set me and a few others off last week :D My 50th looms in 2010. At least the kids at school don't seem to think I am THAT old? (THeir words not mine)

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Oh Pengy, I wish I'd seen this post last night, I watched the Shawshank Redemption last night too, fantastic film. I hope you're feeling more positive today (bar the hangover that is :wink: ) you did sound so sad last night.

Never mind all the bad times, you don't have to dwell on those, there would have been some good times, don't deny those and look how far you've come since then? As for the invites, if they can't be bothered to reply then stuff 'em. The important people will be there. Plus, if virtual attendances are anything to go by then you'll be standing room only in that hall.


Will expect pictures of streaked hair, THAT dress and a piece of virtual birthday cake!


Big hugs, paracetomol and a full cooked breakfast coming your way!



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hope the rose tints are off this morning Pengy and you are feeling back to your normal sparkly self. I'd be down in a flash except the next few weekends are birthdays and weddings back to back :shock: . It's going be an expensive month! You have so much to be proud of and all us Omleteers (and I am sure they won't mind me speaking on their behalf) think you are fab xxx

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set up the laptop - we will all be there :D


chin up hon.




think about what you have now (including the purple hair :D )


its spring :D


you look amazing :D


the bratty kids at school will be different on Monday :D


you go pole dancing :D


you have chickins :D


and we think you are great :D




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Second all of the above!


You're doing a great job bringing up James on your own


You look after your mum (we're not fooled, she may thinks she looks after you but we know different!)


You have achieved something most people spend their lives wishing they could do - losing their excess weight, and you look fantastic for it!


You're running a home on your own and working full-time, not whingeing about your lot


You've made some huge lifestyle changes (chickens, Aga, to name but two) which show you're moving on in life, not stuck in a rut


Go girl.

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aaawww you are all so kind!


Perhaps we should have an online party on the day - its a Monday!


I'm gonna have a fab time and stuff the lot of them, I've pretty much had it with one side of the family now but the other side will be there in force.


Some of your lovely comments brought a tear to my eye, I've been having a difficult weekend - due to worrying about a difficult class but I'm feeling a lot more positive about it all now and I'm ready to deal with them and anything else that gets thrown my way.

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40? Is that all? You're in your prime girl! :D (Me too, but not till June).

I would like to come to the virtual party please. OH would like to come too and bring her very tasty virtual version of rocky road cakes.

Dont know any details about your ex, but I do know one thing...... you split up for a reason.

Now, what to wear for the party? I may get some virtual new clothes. I could afford to spend virtually anything on them!!! :lol::lol:

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