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The Weather Thread # 4

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We didn't really get the weekend that they promised us, it was grey and chilly most of the time.


It has been grey and chilly this morning and is steadily getting darker, so rain is on the way. :(


I have cleaned out both sets of chooks and the bald ones are free ranging before the rain. I am going to light the fire in aminute because I have YD off school with a cold and I am just getting over the same cold, so an afternoon by the fire beckons. :D

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Jlo, I know a good man with a chainsaw! :lol: DD said it rained non stop in Basingstoke, because I was surprised to see so many huge puddles when I picked her up. It has been relatively dry here - just the odd spit this morning but heavier rain this afternoon. We even had a teeny bit of sun at one point (didn't last long).


I think all the acorns have come off our tree now - they were huge this year, I can't hear anymore thuds as they hit the cube run! Still loads of leaves left round here - they seem to be coming off the tops of the trees first. Our neighbour's ash trees are still green at the bottom and bald at the top.

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