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Rain Rain Go Away

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I am going to be very British & moan about the weather :?


It is truly vile & ghastly here today.The sky went black at 7am, & there was a big storm with hail.

Now we have heavy showers every hour or so,& I SO want to get out into the garden & fiddle about :roll:


To add to the misery I have a daughter home sick (again!) & the beginnings of a sore throat :roll:

Cheer me up someone,please!

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Not much cheer here either Sarah. Like you I want to be out in the garden, but got drenched when I took Brock out this morning so rain has stopped play today. Lots of lovely smells coming from my kitchen - Oaty cookies cooling down, Bolognaise in slow cooker & rice pud in the oven mmmmmmm :P

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I think your weather is heading our way now Sarah :evil: as if we haven't had enough rain


It was raining as 6am, but brightened up and has been lovely here this lunchtime, sunny but a bit breezy but the sky is now very black


Our garden is so muddy, there are only a few blades of grass left

Roll on Spring :wink:

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We have just had a massive hail storm, thunder and lightning! The girls freaked and went running for cover! Babs jumped into the log store and Laverne and Shirley headed for the shed.


From one kitchen window it is pitch black outside, but the other side its blue skies! The worlds gone mad!


Cinnamon, try merocaine for your throat, they numb everything. Plus lots of hot drinks, honey and hot lemon. Hope you feel better soon.

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We had bad storms last night - high winds and torrential rain. The chickens run was one giant puddle, and the poor girls were soaked to the skin!


It's still windy today, but the rain seems to have cleared for now!

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Bizarre weather here today, bright sunshine one minute, then the next the skies are totally grey and dark, then the rain (and hail :shock: ) pour really violently for about 10 mins........... then it's sunshine again. It's been doing this all day. I do wish it'd make it's mind up :roll:

There was the most fabulous rainbow though as I drove home :D , the rain had dried up but the sky was still really grey and this bright, big rainbow really dominated the sky. Absolutely gorgeous, really lifted the spirits on a dismal day.

Sarah so sorry that you and your daughter aren't feeling well. Take it easy, plenty of wine and chocolate :wink::roll: , (well I'm supposed to suggests fluids, simple painkillers, honey, lemon and salt water gargles and rest.............but wine and chocolate sounds like so much more fun :oops::oops: )

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I'm praying that it stops raining soon


So far the forecast here for the weekend is a good one and I have made all the arrangements to borrow my friends rotivator and one of the lawnmowers along with his company van to cart them about in (well couldn't have the car getting damaged could we :wink:)


I have to prepare the allotment!!


Got windowsills full of seedlings and got another load to sow over these next few weeks. And although it's been horrible here too the sight of the fresh green seedlings really has made me feel brighter, thinking of all the food I'm growing and will be enjoying over the summer!! :D




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Sarah so sorry that you and your daughter aren't feeling well. Take it easy, plenty of wine and chocolate :wink::roll: , (well I'm supposed to suggests fluids, simple painkillers, honey, lemon and salt water gargles and rest.............but wine and chocolate sounds like so much more fun :oops::oops: )


Actually, chocolate is supposed to be good for a sore throat, i like a nice bar of Green and Blacks, try sucking it a chunk at a time so it soaks your mouth and throat...delicious :drool:

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Hope the window fitting is going okay Nicola and its not raining where you are


It's lovely and sunny here today but quite windy and cold

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White wine is excellent for a sore throat - I've got one too and drinking it freezing cold straight from the fridge is very soothing :wink:


As for the weather, I'm desperately waiting for my garden decking to dry out so I can sweep away the mounting Aubiose thats collecting on it :evil: it refuses to budge when its wet :roll:

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Hope the window fitting is going okay Nicola and its not raining where you are


It's lovely and sunny here today but quite windy and cold


Window fitter has only just finished and because it was so windy the dust blew everywhere but at least it didn't rain, and now i have lovely new windows............ :lol:

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I've never posted on this Forum before, but was inspired by the weather stories.


Yesterday morning, at 5:45, we were all woken up by the loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard. The house literally shook. This was followed by the sound of what could only be described as an entire swimming pool being emptied on the roof in a couple of seconds.


My first thought was "hope the chickens are alright", followed by "what are all these children doing in our bed?" I felt like bursting into a chorus of "My Favourite Things"!


Sun today, though, but despite the sun now having just come back into the (north facing) garden, the chickens have all stopped laying. I guess they thought their world was ending too!

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