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Grade II listed properties..any advice?

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Thanks everyone. :wink: Nice to have an understanding ear :)


The cottage doesnt even sound so bad as yours eglutine (what im mean - its not derelict)...its habitable, plus we have the caravan that we could park in the garden and live in that if needs must!


Hubby just seems to panic, go into shutdown mode and wont discuss it and is fed up with hearing about it from me. :cry:

Im working on it though! Other people do it - so why cant we??

And we are young - so plenty of time to camp out !! :lol:


keep you posted. Thanks for your support.

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Go for it Chelsea 8)


It is the only way now to get something you like to have to do the work and tollerate living in a building site for a while :lol:


I only got my house because there was a huge unfinished extension and it would have cost about 50K to complete so the house was on the market for ages :roll:


I took the opposite view and had it pulled down :lol:

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Hi Chelsea! I've been following you're story, the cottage looks stunning :D we women can look beyond all the work and see the end product, men only see the work :x I hope all goes well, if its meant to be it will. We are looking to move from Cornwall, and up to Bath, I'm going up next week and my hubby is trusting me to find the right place :) our house is under offer with a first time buyer so no pressure :!: I know you may be asking why leave Cornwall, but things change and its time to move on, but if I don't find anything we won't move!! I'll keep you posted, I've not been on the forum much lately as I've been spendig most of my time on Right move :( Good luck Chelsea.

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Nice to hear from you Mandy. You are SO right, sometimes it is just time to move. People will wonder why you are leaving Cornwall (as most people holiday there), but you, like me understand what its like to live down here.


Property is SO expensive, the only reason we are interested in this cottage is because its a real find,..and cheap :shock: , and once the work is carried out - it will be worth a lot of money.


I really hope things work out for you, keep us updated how things are going, Bath and the surrounding area is lovely and if you want to pop "home" to Cornwall your'e not too far away :wink:




Came home from work - hubby in a happy mood, he has rung the estate agents twice and also spoken to financial advisor, much to my suprise as i thought he'd gone off the cottage :? . Nationwide are willing to lend us enough to do the house completely up providing we supply what the thatch is made out of :?:? so need to find that out now.

We are visiting the cottage AGAIN tonight with FIL (builder) so he can estimate the costs, he thinks he can get a thatch done for £12k :shock: and we have estimated £30k.


let you know later


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Hi Chelsea - I am so excited for you :P


When we bought our house 16 years ago it had no electricity,gas,water or bathroom & was basically 2 up,2 down.It was in a HORRIBLE state, & the situation was similar to yours - the owner had died & a relative was selling it.


The mortgage compay told us that as far as they were concerned we were buying a plot of land.

They lent us the initial amout of £50,000 & held back a further £5000 until a certain amount of work had been done. So we had a great incentive to get going on the work,which we did all ourselves.


Maybe your lender could hold back an amount for the roof, or you could get some sort of seperate loan just for the roof?


It sounds like a wondeul opportunity, & I am sure that you will make it into a great home ...........although it will be very hard work (but rewarding!)

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Fab news ! spoken to thatcher, he knew the cottage already, IT DOESNT NEED A RE-THATCH :dance:


He said for now the back needs doing and all of the thatch cleaning up - total cost £4k :shock:


If we want the whole lot done total cost £10k :shock:


Good news for our budget. We have just advised the mortgage lender!

Went out with FIL and MIL last night to view cottage, MIL wasnt very bowled over that her only son was thinking of living in a "run down shack" as she called it. :roll::roll:

FIL was suprisingly upbeat :shock: I thought he would say "dont touch it with a bargepole" but he said go for it if we are prepared to put up with a lot of mess and estimates costs of about £60k.


I will keep you updated. You never know, we might put in an offer soon!

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BAD NEWS :cry::cry::cry:


After dancing around the living room last night. Spent the afternoon at the Enviroment Agency office. The cottage FLOODS :?


The last time the property flooded was 1997. The Agency said the cottage is just outside the flood plain, but in certain conditions the flood can reach 3-4 feet high and will be in the garden. They advised that insurance would be hard to get. They didnt advise us not to go for it, but they did say "as sure as night follows day, the cottage WILL flood again, but when - who knows." :?


We have thought and thought....do we say "go for it" and hope for the best and plough thousands into renovation.


We have decided NO. The walls are Cob, which means if its flooded before there maybe some damage. We dont want to spend all that money to see it knee deep in water.


Ive been very upset this afternoon. couldnt face coming on here to tell you all because you've been so upbeat and supportive !


I wonder whether the lady that has put in the current offer of £220,000 has investigated like we have? :?


Been scouring the internet tonight for more properties, we are definitely moving.


I will never forget that beautiful cottage though. :cry:

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