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As I type this my tears are soaking the keyboard :cry::cry: , but a fox came over our fence at about 6am this morning and took all 5 girls. All he left was some feathers.

My OH let them out at 5.40am when he came home from nightshift, he sat at computer for a while then popped back to work. He returned at 6.25am to find feathers everywhere.

It's strange because there are no feathers belonging to Ruby GNR or Vera PP , they all belonged to the 3 new ones. In their run is an aray of lowish growing fur bushes ( which Beryl & Shirley liked to climb) The feathers were mostly under here.

They must have faught for their little fluffy bottomed lives :(:(:(


This is a very dangerous time of year as the foxes have cubs to feed so I understand that its nature, but It's just not a nice thing to be woken up to !!


God knows what I'm going to tell the children, one consilation at least no body parts were left behind. That would have been far worse

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Thanks guys .

I told my 2 sons before I took them to school, they were totally distraught, but what could I say to them, tell them. It was obvious something had gone on in the garden the feathers are still blowing about even now. Plus Michael always asks "have you let the chickens out?" before he worrys about doing anything else in the morning.


I would love to find them cowering under a bush, but there is also a trail of feathers going across our neighbours garden. BUt why no ginger feathers??

People might say " Oh they're only chickens!" Let them try saying that to my family & I at the moment.


p.s Beryl had laid her first egg yesterday too :( kind of a roundish shape.

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Caroline, I am so sorry. You are right that this is the worst time of year for attacks, but I'm sure that doesn't help you much at the moment. What a very sad day for you. :cry::cry::cry:

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May I add my own consolation. I've only had my girls 6 days but I love them to bits. Next door said "Oh you've got some fowls" No, they are my girls and they all have names..... :roll: They are pets not just fowls :evil:


Really sorry :cry:

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Goodness Caroline, i'm so sorry for your loss.


Tears are welling up just reading this thread, i would be heartbroken if i lost any of my girls, let alone all in one go.


I know its early to be thinking about it, but don't let it put you off getting more chickens.


Big hugs coming to you from all of us

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You poor, poor thing. You were just so unlucky, mine come out at that time of the morning most days, and I never even considered a fox coming over the fence. I hope you feel better soon, and please do get some more. They won't replace your girls, but they will help.



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Thankyou all of you for your kind words at such a difficult time.

We are going to be getting some new ones eventually. We had only had Beryl, Shirley & Daisy for about 3 weeks, they were sooo part of the family. The other 2 we had had about 16mths.


Rather than build a run, as I had planned to do a few weeks ago :oops: My parents who have been very upset by todays events have found a Poultry Protection Pen at Flytesofancy.co.uk & have said that they will go half with us on a 9ft x 15ft run rather than me making one. It's just a shame that it's taken such a tragedy to get me off my Eglu bum to sort something out for them.


The problem I had this morning was not only dealing with my own grief but the sadness & grief that was coming from my children. When I took them to school I informed their teachers about what had happened. Fortunately they both understood (they had eggs from the girls in the past).


My signature does look very sad :(

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So very sorry to read of your horrible start to the day :cry: Many of us have been there, done that, got the T-shirt, so you really are among friends.


The new pen looks very good but can I suggest that you put slabs all round the outside to stop the fox digging in. We'd all hate you to go through it again :cry:

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