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Is anyone else SAD?

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A slightly odd question I know, but I usually suffer as the nights start to draw in early and the weather changes but I have been quite bad for about a month now (since the weather turned bad) a friend and me tonight was discussing it and she too is feeling like its come a few months early this year......


Is it just us or is anyone else like it????

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I don't, but I do have a Lumie alarm which wakes you up with a sunrise..... recommended by another Mod. - I'm sure she'll be along soon as she has a wealth of knowledge on the subject.


I bought the alarm as we have to get up early, even through the winter and I hate getting up in the dark.

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Did I hear my name! :wink::lol::lol:


Yep I was just thinking yesterday I'll do my usual September post about sad :D


You will find the dull days affect you if you suffer from sad. My advice is 'get outside' as much as possible. Sleep with your curtains open too, let as much natural light come into your bed room.


Walking helps and positive thinking, I know it's an old one but it works.


September is the month to start using a sad lamp. I have a lumie like Lesley and a sad lamp I use with clients.


I generally overcome the blues at this time of year by positive self talk, just tell yourself as much positive stuff as you can. You're certainly not alone :)


Right before I ramble on...sorry :oops: There is a sad post on my blog if it helps, go from the link on my website.


Think happy thoughts and the sun will shine


BBx :D

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My brother was diagnosed with SAD about 10 years ago and I sometimes wonder about me.

I'm really struggling at the moment anyway as I missed last summer so have had two winters on the trot and no summer as yet this year. Also its the one year anniversarys at the moment for lots of horrible things that happened last year. People may have noticed that I havent been posting as much recently as I'm having what I call my grumps.

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I've been thinking about getting a lumie alarm clock - do you find they wake you up OK. :?::?: I'm a bit worried that just a light might not work for me :anxious: :anxious: but I would really like something a little more gentle


At the moment I'm finding my alarm clock a bit of shock to the system when it starts beeping just before 6am and from September it will have to go off 15 mins earlier as Ollie and Charlie school start time has been bought forward and if I don't get them up in the morning nothing will.

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.... People may have noticed that I havent been posting as much recently as I'm having what I call my grumps.

...and that's just when you need friends around you, Bronze. So, a shoulder for your tears, & tons of hugs from your Auntie Sheila xx :D:D:D:D

I think I'm the same Karl, and I think you're absolutely right about this cold gloom affectuing us, and agree with Buffie's ideas. I'm sure the way forward is to enjoy some good thoughts, even something tiny, and get moving physically. They're the hardest things to contemplate at the time, but it must send the brain the right messages & help shut the lid on past grief too.

Hens are a great part of this action plan.


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I've been thinking about getting a lumie alarm clock - do you find they wake you up OK.


I bought one last year Pam and I love it. I was also concerened that it wouldnt wake me up ( I love my sleep) as I have to get up at 6am. The light gently starts to come on about half an hour before you need to get up and I can honestly say that I have always woken up before the alarm is due to go off.


I even had to change the settings a bit as I ended up awake a full twenty minutes before the alarm :shock: - only 10 minutes after the light starts up!!


I also have a light box on my desk at work - in winter it goes on at 7am and stays on until about 9am - it certainly brightened my mood. :lol:

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Thanks Laura - think I will give one a go :D:D:D


I might also try a small light box as on gloomy dark days I just don't seem to have any energy and find it really difficult to get going.....I'm not sure if it's just general 'oh no a horrible day' or something more. On lovely sunny days I seem to have loads of energy and can get loads done without having to push myself.


Bronze - we're always here to listen. First anniversaries of a terrible time are always hard - been few a through myself. Each person has to cope with these events in whatever way helps them get through. There is never a right or wrong way only your way at times like these. Thinking of you

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Bronze, come and chat to us whenevr you can, you know that we'll always be able to come up with something utterly ridiculous to take your mind off things, and give you plenty of support,hugs, cups of tea , wine, chocolate whenever you need it.


I've been feeling terrible lately, really tired all the time and absolutely no motivation. I really struggle to get up at 6.15am, yet i have plenty of sleep. Every afternoon i'll fall asleep if i allow myself to relax at all. I'm not exactly happy either. Could this be SAD?

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I've been feeling terrible lately, really tired all the time and absolutely no motivation. I really struggle to get up at 6.15am, yet i have plenty of sleep. Every afternoon i'll fall asleep if i allow myself to relax at all. I'm not exactly happy either. Could this be SAD?


I'd say so Helly Welly. That's how SAD makes me feel.

I also eat more and just feel pretty depressed.

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I've been feeling out of sorts recently too - probably partly to do with the weather, and the old premature menopause, but also I've got loads of stuff going on at the moment and it's hard to concentrate.


I normally sleep very well, but have taken to waking up at 4am and just dozing after that :(

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I'll share a little thing about me as you have all been so open, and it is like having friends on here....

I was diagnosed with severe clinical depression just under 10 years ago, but it is believed to have kicked in at about the age of 12. Mine is caused by my body being poo at creating serotonin. SAD seems to go hand in hand with this, and like many of these replies I have found the grotty weather to be really dragging me down. I have been trying to come off my latest batch of pills (coming up for a year this time) and was really hoping the weather would help me along. Seems not .... can't think why!


PS now I'm a tad embarrassed at having just announced all that :oops:

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Don't be! I've chugged along through the last 20 years since being a teenager up and down like a yo yo, thinking is it confidence? or have I not found my niche in life yet? who knows, at the moment not too bad, better because of weather maybe? don't really know, but hens are good they really help keep you on top of things. Oh, and of course cats are just the best, apart from the dead bird we had in the kitchen this morning :(:(

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but hens are good they really help keep you on top of things.


that is just so true. My menagerie are a great help. That is why my husband bought me the second eglu and the other 4 chooks - I didn't like to say at the time, but it because he saw how much good they were doing me. So if someone could just buy us all some better weather we might all be on to a winner!


BTW Bron - big hugs from here. xxx

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I find keeping things to do in the house that I can look forward to really helps and I know it's a cliche but forcing myself to keep busy is good even though it's really hard to get going sometimes. Anyhow, today is Thursday which is great as my mum cooks for us all today, which is enough to cheer anyone up, not having to cook etc....

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Helly Well, that is exactly how I get......I work from home and having no motivation really doesnt help......


Does seem to be the weather thats causing it early this year......I didnt realise how many suffered with it........


PS now I'm a tad embarrased at having just announced all that :oops:


Remember its good to talk :) and everyone on here is really supportive....

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I must say, i find that as well as the chooks, it is this forum that keeps me going. I've always had trouble in social situations but it's so easy to talk to you lot, partly because i can't see you but also because we all seem to share quite similar ideas about things.


A good few hours on the forum is a real treat. OH is out tonihgt and suggested that i watch a film but i'd rather be on here :D

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You are all in good company here ((((hugs)))) to all in need of one.


I usually find that admitting something brings another load of people out of the woodwork saying 'oh yes that happened to me too'. It's always good to know you are not alone! :lol:

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