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**Thread of little facts & things**....3

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I just love it when I get one over on one of the consumer giants; was driven to shop at Te$co this evening - only really went there to use up the vouchers I receive when I do the massive weekly shop for the staff mess at work - one of the items I bought was a new electric toothbrush for Madam, they were on offer and I had a voucher for £5 off personal electrical items.


I have to admit that I hadn't noticed that the voucher specified a £25 spend, but when I got to the checkout, the cashier apologised as I had spent £24.99, 1 pence too little for the £5 off. She said to go to customer services where they'd be sure to put it through. The assistant at the CS desk was too busy chatting to her colleague to even look at me let alone the voucher; she just said 'sorry, no'. I decided to ring Te$co when I got back; lovely chap on the phone apologised that he really couldn't do it, but after a bit of a tussle he finally agreed to send me a voucher for £5 off my next shop..... I am delighted, bit like pulling teeth, but I enjoy a bit of a fight.


After all, what is 1p to a massive consumer giant?


I shall return to using Ocado until I build up more vouchers though :wink:

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Good on you :lol: .


Completed my first cross country race today :D .


4.3 miles up hill and down dale - crossing a river 3 times (didn't quite make it over so ended up thigh deep in water :roll: ) - and mud like you would not believe :shock: .


Quite happy though - I was 38th out of 63 women and 6th out of 10 aged 50-60 .


My boys were 8th and 10th and OH gallantly ran alongside me as he had a twinge in his thigh and didn't want to risk further injury 8) .

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Had one of those weekends :roll: one of near misses.....


Phil's brother totalled his car on the A40 on Saturday evening, I'm not sure what caused it, but he rolled it 3 times and had to crawl out through the window. Luckily he is OK except for a spot of whiplash and some soreness, as you'd expect, the police are investigating but no other car was involved. Thankfully he is fine.


Woken up at 4.30am on Sunday by some shouting outside, and drunken carrying on - not unusual as my street is a the main route taken by the local scallies on their way back home after a night on the tiles - looked out of the window on my way back from the bathroom and there's a chap lying face up in the road, in a pile of puke :vom: Luckily Phil was around, so we raced out to him, sorted his airway and called an ambulance as he was barely conscious, got him onto the path and in the recovery position and covered with blankets. Kept him talking, but the ambulance still hadn't come 20 mins later and he was very cold, so I rang them back; ambulance had been diverted and there wasn't another one free, so we rang the police, who are just around the corner and got them to bring the wagon round to get him into A&E.


I am sure he will be OK, but he was very cold and in and out of consciousness. If we hadn't gone out, he stood a good chance of ending up with hypothermia as he was only wearing a shirt and jeans, and was pretty skinny.


Sometimes you just wish for a simple life....

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I feel your pain, we live on a main road and have had to call a few ambulances over the years. Most recent was last winter, very similar situation to yours, lad spark out half on the pavement half on the road alongside our house. Fortunately he had landed pretty much in the recovery position, but was under dressed and very cold. Paramedic turned up within minutes of our call, but we don't know how long he had been there, it was four in the morning.


Life is never simple is it, but at least you made a difference, hopefully he has learnt a valuable lesson.

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Frankly these lads dont deserve to be so well looked after. My ES came home pretty bad some months back - not unconscious but smelly and drunk - to say I voiced my anger would be an understatement. But I would be grateful if some kind soul looked after him. I will say I didnt bring him up to be a drunk (adictions and alcoholism run in my family) but the youngsters these days think that it wont happen to them. tuts loudly :notalk:

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Shame about the deer DM and well done ANH!! :D


Feel like I haven't been on here in months!

Have been working really hard at work in the office job - 8am-8am and they're on about giving us weekend overtime too.


Had a really bad week this week though, was pulled into a meeting to say I'm underperforming which I said was totally unfounded ...they looked at the stats and realised I've done twice as much work as anyone else so kind of apologised the next day! :roll:


Refused to stay an extra 3 hours overtime on Tuesday and they wondered why I said they're demotivating the staff when they asked why!!

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Well done for being assertive. Our head GP gave us a pep talk aka a major b-------g on Monday - not reaching targets blah blah blah. My off button pinged up and I took very little in. Hes a nice man but must be a fan of Abba as I think his favourite song is "money money money" :whistle:

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Good for you for standing up for yourself, Lewis :clap: . At least now they'll know your worth :D .


Competed in a hill race today (I must be mad :lol: ). Up and down a hill, 4.3 miles in total. Although there was snow on the top :shock: and there was a sleet shower before and after we started, the weather held off (the photo wasn't taken today).


I wasn't last :dance: .


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Well done ANH, glad you added that the photo wasn't taken today!


Had a lovely, rare, day off today; met up in London with a group of friends who I used to work with in London 30 years ago. Lovely lunch, followed by watching the Lord Mayor's fireworks.


Just been clearing out my junk email box and said to The Boy that I seem to be getting his emails... I have a nice lady trying to sell me fake Rolexs and someone trying to introduce me to local 'young ladies' :roll:

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We were in London today too. DS met his American girlfriend for the first time. It was lovely to see them together, they have been talking to each other on Skpe etc for around 18 months, but had never met in person, despite this they have formed a very strong bond. She came over to look around St Andrews university with her dad, he has also applied. They are both shy awkward teens who have not had any other relationships, she turned 17 in September and DS was 17 in April.


We met both her and her dad at Paddington station, they are both lovely people, and DS and her make a lovely couple, their future isn't going to easy and we had a tearful farewell this evening, but I wish them well and what will be will be. Myself and OH sustained a long distance relationship for several years before settling together in our early twenties without the aid of modern communication so anything is possible. :D

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Lovely story - young love eh? so glad I am past that. ES also 17 has a lovely g/f - he dated her when in Yr 9 and she dumped him - it was his first g/f and he was gutted as they are. Now in Yr 13 and second time round he faces separation next year when she goes on a gap year and him to uni. She'll be in Europe working. These days you dont hear about long distance romance as much. Lets face it during the wars it was the norm. They are so young - anyway wish them well. OOh getting slushy here.

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