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A new experience!

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I experienced spending hours cooking only for the cooker lid to slam down knocking my glass oven dishes on the floor, smashing one and ruining all of the food. Not a great experience :evil:


We ended up having takeaway :roll:


Oh No!


Superjules you have done well never to have had a filling before.! :shock:

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Yep. I went into work after a ten week absence. It was pants! :evil::wink:


Never mind Annie, soon be half term :D


Are you back full time or a couple of days to break you in gently



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I had my first ever filling today at the dentist. :( Not an enjoyable experience but it's over now, thank goodness. :roll:


Anyone else had any new experiences today?


Not a new experience for me I was at the dentist having my second full root canal treatment yesterday I am quite sore today :cry:


It will have to be crowned in 6-12 months as well :evil:

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Well, yesterday I sorted through wardrobe for clothes to take on holiday and found some that were previously too small but now fit me :D:D. That was a new experience as its usually the other way round but I have lost over a stone since giving up work two months ago. Lots of DIY and some serious digging in the garden instead sitting on bum all day, stressed out and comfort eating.


This afternoon I am going to an art class in pastels so that is another new experience and my garden shredder has just arrived so new toy to play with tomorrow. Overgrown beech hedge here I come.

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I've just gathered in my first harvest at our allotment. The spuds are a bit ropey as the millipedes have been at them so I don't think Sainsbury's will be knocking at my door just yet but other than that the sweetcorn, apples, green beans and cougettes/marrows are great. We still have cougettes growing (do they ever stop?) and the turnips and Jerusalem artichokes are a wonder to behold (even if I do say so myself). I'm going to make a pie for my next-door neighbour tomorrow, she has never tasted a blackberry as she was born in Hong Kong and I can't let the season pass without sharing a blackberry and apple pie with her. But should I suggest she have it with custard, cream or ice cream? BTW all three are not allowed.

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But should I suggest she have it with custard, cream or ice cream? BTW all three are not allowed.


Hot pie, cold custard on the side! :D


You nearly got it right Christian - its hot pie and hot custard on the side! :wink:

At least you didnt say it went over the top! :shock:


Hmmm new experiences :think:


Oh i dug up my first two parsnips of the year! 8)

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I put our house on the market, took part in a massive flu clinic (600 injections and queues down the road......... all on a sunny Saturday).


Oh, and I missed a full 48 hours on the forum, too busy to find time to log on also we had to take all the furniture out of daughter's bedroom to get a carpet fitted in there, sadly her bed ended up blocking the door to the understairs cupboard where the computer is.............. I simply couldn't get in to it, even if I'd found the time. I think hubby might have done that deliberately :?:shock:


Well done on going so long before your first filling. I think I got mine in my teens, and I've had 1 or 2 more since then :oops:


I hope Alexander enjoyed his taster day Jules, it's a big change for them moving up to secondary school so I think that taster days are a great idea, give them an idea of what to expect, and hopefully help them form an opinion as to which school to aim for next year.


Annie, all I can say is poor you :( . I hope it gets better, and if not it's not long until half term :wink::lol::lol::lol: . I'm sure the children are glad to have you back :D

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:D Some interesting posts here.

My new experience was on holiday, I went rollerblading! The last time I skated was literally 4 decades ago, and then there were wheels in 4 corners, not one blade!

You probably heard my screams. I was happy pottering around the edge near the bar, and doing quite well at letting go occasionally. But, the instructor made us whizz around the whole area in a line of 4 people holding onto each other.

Not only did they forget to tell me how to skate before we set off, they didn't tell me how to stop!


Aaaagggghhhhhhh!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol: Wasn't I brave? (mad!) Won't be doing it again, too scared of injury!

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Anyone else had any new experiences today?


Yep. chipped from the rough way off the 14th green straight into the hole.


Terrific, never done that on any hole before.


didn't use any fossil fuel like wos his face Hamilton (I biked to the golf club with my clubs) and had a fantastic walk round the course, interpersed with lots of rubbish golf shots, and one good one!

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It will have to be crowned in 6-12 months as well :evil:


Um ... sounds pricey. What's access to NHS dentistry like in Scotland?


I have no idea Richard I won't let an NHS dentist touch my teeth - for good reason :evil:


This filling has so far taken 4 appointments and approx 6 hours to achieve the last time an NHS dentist 'tried' to do a root fill on me it took him 45 minutes and worked for 6 months at which point he told me I would have to lose the tooth I then went private the 'repair' for the damage he did took 8 hours and is still fine 10 years on :?


The cost well lets just say so far the tooth has cost nearlly £500 and that doesn't include the final crown which will likely be about the same :cry:


At the end of the day it is cheaper than having it pulled and an implant done :lol:

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