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Winter's around the corner

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-3 here last night and because my girls did some feather removal on each other yesterday, silly billys, I put an old sleeping bag over the eglu last night and it was stiff with white ice crystals this morning :shock:


Everywhere is quite beautiful in the bright morning sun, I would far rather have winter weather like this than what they are forcasting for next week. Cold and wet yuk, time to hibernate I think :wink:

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Last night I asked DH did he think it was cold enough to freeze the glug,

"Absolutely NOT" he said :roll: Went out this a.m. around 8 to let them out and yep the glug was frozen solid :(


My 'letting the chickens out' wardrobe is getting weirder and weirder :shock:

this morning's ensemble red pjs, yellow cloggies, green body warmer, son's "Ooops, word censored!"nal scarf, bright pink wooly hat :oops::oops: give us a twirl :):)



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I'd already booked a day off work tomorrow, central heating engineer coming to service the boiler


I hope he turns up, I had to book him months in advance


Sleeting down here now, very cold, girls stayed in the run almost all of the day poor things

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