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What did/do you do for a student/ holiday job?

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This topic has come to mind as I've just found out that one of my ex- bosses is on Channel 4 today (tues 8pm) as the fat person on a programme called supersize vs superskinny. I have to watch, as she was so horrid to work for and it got me thinking about the jobs I did as a teenager/ student for a bit of extra cash


Job 1 - only lasted 2 weeks . I was a quality control worker at the side of a conveyor belt in a carrot factory. Scanning the carrots coming past and picking out any that were the wrong size, shape - had funny bits that made you laugh etc! At night I closed my eyes and just saw carrots going past. I really don't know how anyone manages to do this full term. I, personally would go mad!


Job 2 - I gave out leaflets for a mobile phone company at the 1993 British Grand Prix . Which led to working for a track day company on a regular basis throughout my 2nd year at Uni, doing hostess type things and working making food for a race team during Touring Car race meetings.


Job 3 - I became a member of the Territoral Army Band in Hull during my 2nd/ 3rd/ 4th years at Uni. This was really well paid for a student job, I got to play the Clarinet and get paid for it, and , as a bonus, I met my husband because of it!


What wierd and wonderful things did/ do you lot do as a teenager/ student?

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Golly, I can't remember most of them as I always worked during term time and hols, here are some.....


Office cleaner

Nanny to 3 boys (was ongoing)


Fitness instructor

Dog walker

Dispensing assistant in chemist

Receptionist at Dad's office

Children's holiday camp supervisor

Art gallery manager

Art teacher


I am sure that ther are more, but it was far too long ago now :roll:

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Behind the deli counter in the Co-op (15-17)


Behind the bar in the golf club (until one night at closing I was doing the till and my 'boss' pulled out a porn mag and asked me what I thought of the pics :shock: Never went back, and didn't tell my dad either or he would have gone down there and killed him :( ).


I was fortunate that I did my nursing and midwifery training in the days when you got paid so didn't need an extra job.

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I had 3 jobs through college/uni.


Worked in a sportshop for Norman Wisdoms son (who owned it) on holidays and saturdays with 2 Crystal Palace fans who i am still friends with. Was a great job though the pay was lousy.


Worked in the chavvy end of the town i lived in at a costcutter shop selling fags, booze, lottery tickets and a few groceries to residents. Spent my time arguing for id with underage drinkers and 'baking' the hot snacks food.


Best job of all was several summers on a dairy farm - i worked looking after the calves, helping with milking and general manual labour. Was great fun - outside in the sun - animals are much nicer to deal with then people! :wink:


Also babysat a lot which i thought was great at the time as me and the boyfriend could have a house to ourselves once the kids had gone to bed!

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Saturday girl at Woolworths in Tamworth - on the bread counter and then sweet counter (anyone remember those counters - you were stuck in the middle with people rummaging through the pick n mix with their grubby hands.


On the bread counter we had to remember all the prices and add up the bread purchases in our heads (small bloomer, large brown tin, 3 cobs....) and it was BUSY


Bar work in Atherstone, Whitstable and then a nightclub in Muswell Hill (still in the days when you added up as you went along)


Postie (at Christmas)

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Saturday's I worked on a stall at Worcester market selling sweets and biscuits including bags of broken biscuits!!!. The stall owner was a neighbour so a couple of nights a week we used to load/unload his van for him, rubbish pay but I remember stealing packs of football cards (easy to hide in pockets) from opened boxes and selling them at school!!!! Also did a bit of fruit picking during summer holidays.

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Sainsburys while I was in the sixth-form. I loved it - for the first time I met people who hadn't known me all the way through school, and didn't have preconceptions (the geeky one with glasses) about me.


That's probably also the highest disposable income I have ever had, as I was living at home and still at school; I used to work all the overtime I could get, and spend it all on clothes and shoes. Those were the days ...

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I worked one summer in a plastics factory on the packing line............I can still make cardboard boxes up in record time ( I spent the entire summer making up lids for boxes and putting the lids on -one box every 15 seconds!)


Another summer I worked for Thomas Cooks in the Foreign Exchange Bureau at the Hoverport in Dover, a far better job than the plastics factory!


I also did a day working at an estate agents stuffing house details in envelopes.

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I used to work in my Mums nursing home while I was at school. After that a variety before I trained as a nurse - barmaid, chemists shop, bakery. Even whilst doing my nurse training (and like Fee, we got paid as it was working training) I still did part time bar work!


My 16 year old has just got himself a job - dog sitting and walking. Brilliant, he has his own money and gets exercised! 8)

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