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Guest Debs13

New Job

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Just feel like announcing to the world


It has been really horrible at work the last 18months, we have been through pay modernisation :roll: and then a re-structure which meant we all had to apply for our own jobs or another if you wanted


I was lucky to keep my job (others weren't)


Yesterday I had another interview and got it :D


It is a nice little promotion but the best part about it is it's part time :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Harry will be really pleased when I tell him, cos it means I will be at home when he gets in some nights from school and Jules will get a lie in some mornings too as I will be able to take her to school


I am really pleased but panicking I won't have enough to do on my days off. I do like to keep busy, I am already planning to do our last bit of decorating and I won't have to take holiday to do it :D

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Congratulations!!!! :D

I'm sure you'll find plenty of ways to fill your time, I do find time is one of those things one can never get too much of.... I've been home for just over ten years, and still never had a bored day, though admittedly I have four kids and big house and a quantity of pets and a few 'hobbies' to keep me occupied, I would still like a few hours added to each day!!!


It's great to hear good news! :)

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Thanks for the good wishes everyone and the time filling suggestions


I don't think the forum will be an option though :wink: I was planning lots of useful things like cooking and cleaning and gardening...............





Although many of you post useful household tips and recipes I will have to log on to read all the best suggestions :D:D:D:wink:

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Congratulations Debs!!! :dance:

You really deserve this :D


Im really pleased for you and the family. :D:D:D

Harry & Jules will be so chuffed :clap: and Dan too of course



It has been really horrible at work the last 18 months, we have been through pay modernisation :roll: and then a re-structure which meant we all had to apply for our own jobs or another if you wanted


The OH is going through this right now and its terribly stressful, i wouldnt wish it on anyone :?

You must be so pleased to have come though the other side.


Im sure you will find lots of things to do now you are going part time...


* chook watching

* hatch a plan to get more chooks

* grow & tend the veg

* paint your nails

* lounge in the bath

* read all the books from the book club before everyone else :lol:

* search for a new house with a bit of land :wink:


Hows that for starters?? :wink::lol:

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That's brilliant news Debs, well done and congratulations :dance:


Although I missed having a proper job since August, I never found there were enough hours in the day, and now I'm back to full time work I seem to be more organised as I have such a short window of time to so things


Brilliant timing too, with a :pray: summer on the way!




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Congratulations Debs. :D I am really pleased for you. I remember Dan saying that he wanted you to be able not to work at all this year - and also your whisper that you weren't sure you wanted NOT to work. This is an excellent compromise.


BUT - how can you possibly be worried that you won't have enough to do??? :shock: I have been at home for 19 years now and my youngest is out for 6-7 hours at school. I do have a part-time job which I mostly do from home but which is as big as I make it and I have made it huge! :oops: but I don't have time to do washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, gardening, being a mother and my job every week. I am definitely not superwoman, but some things have to give - like dusting!


Don't waste your time worrying, you will be happier than ever and your children are still young enough to enjoy having you at home, being a mother.


:D:D Thrilled for you!

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Thanks again for all your good wishes


I have to say the 'worried about not having enough to do is a little tongue in cheek' with 2 children and a Dan, there is always something :wink:


I am extremely nervous at the thought of going part time, I really don't know why though, probably so used to routine of it all I suppose, life is very organised when you work full time as there is so much to fit in and I have done it for such a long time


Part time is a very good compromise as I enjoy my job, the new promotion is still in the same department but with a lot more responsibility


I have very good supportive colleagues and I will be job sharing with a good friend, can't wait to start :D


Thanks everyone

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