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Guest Poet

can I borrow some healing thoughts?

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my dad had a benign tumour on his bowel about 15 years ago. Although benign, we nearly lost him as it blocked his bowel and it was misdiagnosed as flu until he ended up vomiting his own waste! He had to have part of his bowel removed and had a colostomy bag for ages and, as I say, he was terribly ill and was in ICU for quite a time.


He's 81 this year and his GP recently diagnosed an irregular heart beat and put him on warfarin. Recently he's been bleeding from down below. We took him to the hospital last week for an endoscopy. He had to go 48 hours with no food and take picolax (a very powerful laxative to clear his bowel). It was horribly unpleasant for him as he can't get to the loo very quickly, I won't go into detail!


When we arrived at the hospital they did a blood test and we waited for 3 hours or more and they came back and said they couldn't do the endoscopy because he is on warfarin and if they grazed him with the scope, he could suffer massive internal bleeding. They knew he was on warfarin so why send him for an endoscopy!!!??


So, the poor man had to go without food for 48 hours again (and lay off his warfarin for 5 days) and take picolax again this week and we took him back to the hospital again today. We were there for over 4 hours (this is supposed to be a 20 minute procedure but they forget to do his blood test so he ended up going to the back of the queue!). We got there at 8.30am and didn't leave until 12.45pm! My mum and I were starving so god only knows how my poor dad was feeling!


They saw a polyp while they were doing the endoscopy but they also saw something else and they are not sure what it is, so he has to go for an MRI scan on Friday. To add insult to injury, he had a bleed just before our taxi turned up and he had to sit on a newspaper in the car.


We're all so worried in case he has another tumour but we're trying to stay positive and cheerful for dad's sake but it's not easy. I'm worried for my mum too as she's 76 and she had to help him shower when he got home and she's not too well herself.


I could do with some positive healing thoughts if you can spare some and just to say, I might not be posting as much for a while as I just don't feel up to bantering at the moment so take care and hope to catch up with you all soon.


I may still need chicken advice though if that's okay?



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Poor man. That is horrendous treatment and he deserves better. :(:evil:

I will certainly be thinking of you all and hoping that the eventual results will lead to a better quality of life for your poor father.



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Oh Poet you have all really been through the mill!! Your poor Dad. He must have been absolutely drained after all that. Flipping hospitals - they don't seem to know what they are doing anymore! Hopefully it's nothing serious when you get the results back from the MRI.


Sending lots of love & positive thoughts for you all.


Best Wishes

Jue xx

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Oh Poet, your poor dad :( . That sounds really miserable. I hope things get sorted out soon. Let's collect all those positive healing thoughts and send them to both our dads :wink: .




And thank you all, it's amazing how a few kind words on a screen can really help. I didn't realise how much until I needed some.


Off for a sip of an alcoholic beverage.




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So sorry to hear this Poet... DH's mum is in hospital, and has been in and out since September with nothing happening much, though last week some tests finally revealed some of what might cause her problem... considering she'd had a tumour removed last year, we all expected more consistant treatment and attention from the hospitals, but what we have all suspected for months now, has only just been diagnosed... she is now receiving treatment...


All my positive thoughts go to you, your dad and your mum at this time, hang on in there, and I hope things get much better very, very soon...


Take good care....

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Oh no, your poor dad and your mum and you too.

So sorry to here your dad is not well. Sending love and hugs your way.

It makes you so angry when people dont get the care they deserve when they are in hospital. Lucky for your dad he has you and your mum to fight his corner. I hope he gets better soon.

Teke carex

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