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Helly Welly

Phase two of my masterplan

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Okay, so i got the wheelchair last Saturday and its fab. However, it isn't really suitable for long distance on my own so i can't go shopping in it or take Abi to school. I already have a trike but am finding it increasingly difficult to pedal up hill and their is a massive hill on the way home from school.


So, i contacted loads of cycle shops to see if i could get an electric conversion kit for my trike. It was looking like it would cost £500-£600 but then one said that he had an ex-demo Powatryke for sale with a brand new battery for £350. Nowe i love my trike, i call him Claud, but at that price i can't afford to turn down a new electric trike.


So this Saturday i'm off to Peterborough to have alook at it and maybe bring it home if it fits on the trailer. If not i'll have to wait for it to be delivered.


I am not a patient person.


Soon, i'll be zooming along at 15mph with no pain and a big smile on my face.


Can i jsut say, i loved all your positive comments about my wheelchair. I was feeling a bit weird about it at the grand old age of 33 and you all made me feel really happy and good about it.

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Hurrah - I'm so proud of you.


I was really pleased with everyone's positive comments about your wheelchair too. Most people would just look away and look shifty because they are uncomfortable about disability.

A lot of people are too proud to do what you're doing, so just sit at home and don't get on with their life to the extent that you are now. So So glad that you're getting out there.

I'll convert you to shopmobility yet ..... you wait and see. It gives you such incredible freedom. And you get lots of sarcastic comments from men in their 60's about women drivers.

I also carry a portable camping stool everywhere with me too for if there is a queue anywhere, or when collecting the kids from school - only cost £5 but I'd be completely lost without it. 8)

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I was really pleased with everyone's positive comments about your wheelchair too. Most people would just look away and look shifty because they are uncomfortable about disability.


I'm wary these days ever since I had a nasty comment from someone :(


I was aware of the 'does she take sugar?' problem and so I spoke to a young woman in a wheelchair instead of the carer - the carer just said "she can't understand a word you are saying, you know" in such a nasty way that I've been too scared to speak to anyone in a chair ever since :?


I spent 5 months in a wheelchair and find people will go out of their way to ignore you :?

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I have found that with my mum they assume just because she is in a chair and has communication problems she doesn't understand you :evil:


At the health centre one day before we got her blue badge through I had to leave her just inside the entrance to go and fetch the car so I could load her in the ambulance bay when I got back there were two women talking to her like she was a child :cry::cry::cry: It really got to me so I would go out of my way to talk to the person and if the carer was like you descibe Lesley I would have to say something to them :evil:


Good luck with the power tryke it sounds fab 8)

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Great news Helly Welly! Glad to hear you'll be whizzing away soon!

My hubby built an electric trike for a paper lady, who is slightly disabled. He got the trike from Shrewsbury & the kit from America.

She was over the moon & it's nice to think he really helped someone. I even liked the trike myself - it had a great basket on the back for shopping!!! :wink:



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Well, we went to Peterborough on Saturday and bought the trike. They very kindly delivered it that afternoon too. 8)


The weather didn't allow me to have a go until yesterday but it was worth the wait.


I'm soooo speedy. It will go a maximum of 15mph, considering i don't drive, that's pretty fast for me! :shock:


Unfortunately the charger that came with it is broken so he's going to send me another one asap, then there'll be no stopping me!


This is a piccy of my new trike



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