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Guest Poet

update on dad- up and down

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That's the fella! :)


Glyc and Ick.....It all comes flooding back to me now.


Came in a curiously old fashioned bottle...with a cork.


Very Florence Nightingale.


Phew! I'm not as old as I thought I was after all! I've never heard of that :lol:


How is your Dad doing now, Poet?

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hi lin (and everyone)


he's stable at the moment and they're just trying to get his infection under control. He's still rambling a bit and trying to get out of bed and talking nonsense but then other times he's quite peaceful and lucid.


He seems to get more agitated if his bag gets full, they don't check him very regularly to see if it is full though, not sure why, maybe they just have too much to do.


It was full this evening when we were there and he was quite agitated so we called the nurse and once it was changed, he was fine again.


He's not eating very much but I think he's sick of the pureed food but he can't have anything solid just yet.


So, that's all I can tell you for now but thanks for the good wishes and concern. It's very much appreciated, I keep telling him all my chicken friends are rooting for him and that raises a smile! ;)



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Thanks for the update. As ANH says, just keep hanging in there during what seems to be a long process. *hugs*


I'm sure you're right, in that the nurses aren't checkcing his bag as often as you'd like just because they are so busy. As I worked for many years on a colo-rectal ward, I know how frantic it can be and they won't mind you pointing it out to them. The more eyes and ears around notiicing what is a priotity is a bonus for them! I'm sure they appreciate all you and your family are doing for your Dad too.


We're all rooting for him. :)

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oh dear, not sure how to put this but he's got another chest infection and a kidney infection and the doctor said his kidneys are failing again and to prepare for the worst.


They told us to "prepare for the worst" when they said he had an ulcer then it turned out he didn't have one so we're all in bits again, not knowing what to think.


I think I'll make this my last post on this thread if you don't mind because I don't think I could bear to have to come back and tell you the worst, if it happens.


thanks for all the good wishes and kind words so far.


Lots of love





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I haven't really posted on this thread but play catch up often on your dad's progress.

Just want to wish you and your family strength in the days ahead - please try and keep your hopes up, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.


Thinking of you,



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