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Forum league table of posters

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1 Claret 20389 posts

2 Egluntine 14613 posts

3 Lesley 14105 posts

4 Kate 13735 posts

5 Martin B - U18s Manager 10279 posts

6 Mel (& Paul) 9276 posts

7 Cinnamon 8247 posts

8 chelsea 6037 posts

9 Popcorn 5829 posts

10 theherd123 5804 posts

11 buffie 5673 posts

12 AnnieP 5382 posts

13 Louise 5225 posts

14 Snowy Howells 5033 posts

15 sheila 4842 posts

16 Afamily 4618 posts

17 chookiehen 4579 posts

18 Nicola H 4507 posts

19 Christian 4485 posts

20 Ginette 4080 posts


I know the weather's been bad but............. :wink:

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I did it by going into memberlist then selecting total posts and descending in the drop down boxes


Poets at 22! and I had thought I posted quite a lot for the amount of time I had been here being at 29



*edited cos I just relaised I posted more than I thought I did*

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I've been wondering why I am not an Eggsistentialist.


I've just noticed you are a 'chronic clucker' :shock::lol:


:lol: According to **this** I should be an Eggsistentialist. :lol:


Maybe the machinery has juddered and made a mistake. :lol:


You are a few short of a chronic clucker - I wonder how that happened? (have you had a load of posts deleted? :lol: )


I'm a Golden Egg - when did that happen? :eh: I missed it! :roll:

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If posts are deleted (and I have had one or two of those over the years! :wink: ) your ranking automatically goes down.


I remember being a Golden Egg and then the Word Association Game was pruned and I went down to whatever the rank below is.


Soon got back up though! :lol:

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